Blog Post

Man kaut sarkofāgu, uz mājām gribu

Inga Ūle • 2017. gada 4. oktobris

Laime neatnāk. Atnāk prasme to pamanīt. /E. Safarli/

Jumaji spēlē šodien vienai no mums izkrita kauliņi doties mājās. Tā bija Ļena.

Ļenas mēnesis šeit man atsauca atmiņā kādu notikumu un ceļojumu no manas dzīves. Ja izdomāsiet, ka gribat izlasīt šo nodaļu, var droši uztaisīt siltu krūzi tējas vai ieliet ko relaksējošu glāzē. Man līdzīgs piedzīvojums bija savus 6 vai 7 gadus atpakaļ. Daudz biju dzirdējusi, bildēs redzējusi varenās Krievijas bildes ar spožajām “cerkovjām”, “ monastiriem”. Tad viens no kolēģiem pilotiem tik sūta man bildes, kur visā spožumā n-tās milzīgas, skaistas, krāšņas celtnes kā sēnes izbirušas ezera un mazas pilsētas krastā. Man apraksta to, ka Krievijā ir tāda vieta - “Zolotoje kolco”, kur daudzu desmitu un pat simtu km perimetrā ap Maskavu ir izkaisītas vecas pilsētas, ar senu vēsturi un tradīcijām, kur ap ezeriem, parastiem ciemiem sabūvētas greznas, spožas baznīcas un klosteri. Var doties apkārt pa šo apli un aplūkot šīs vietas. Tad nu, esot vienā no tādām vietām, arī gaisa balonu festivāls - “Zolotoje kolco Rossii”. Aplūkojusi bildes, kā gaisa baloni cēli lido pāri šīm spožajām celtnēm, ūdenī spoguļojas milzīgo bumbuļu ēnas un tās saplūst un mijas ar krāšņo baznīcu celtnēm, nu skats ir Visuvarens. Interese ir milzīga un sapņoju vairāk kā gadu, ka es arī celšos gaisā un lēni slīdēšu pa milzīgo ūdens krātuves virsmu savā gondolā, un vērošu šīs vēsturiskās celtnes, un tā sajūta, jo vairāk domāju, jo vairāk man patika, un mērķis bija nosprausts. Nākošgad es došos uz “Zolotoje kolco Rossii”. Man jau tas nosaukums patika. Patika tie burti, tas vārdu savienojums. Organizatori no pilsētas ar nosaukumu Pereslavļj Zalesskij, kas ir viena no pilsētām, vēsturiski ir iekļauta šai pilsētu kopumā, kuras tiek dēvētas par Zelta apli. Saņēmusi otro gadu pēc kārtas uzaicinājumu, nekavējoties atbildu – JĀ. Kas no manis tiek prasīts? Ja gribu, varu lidot viena, ja gribu, varu paņemt savu komandu. No mums tik vien, kā nopirkt avio biļetes līdz Maskavai un atpakaļ. Nu kas tad tur? Nieks jautājums! Lidostā mūs sagaida, ar mašīnu aizved uz pilsētu, kur viss notiks, un tur dod balonu, visu ekipējumu, mašīnu, izmitina, pabaro. Nu, kā paši krievi saka – maļina! Laižam! Savaņģoju kompānijā vēl 3 savas Amazones, visas ar pacilātu noskaņojumu, ceļojuma gaidās, un, sagaidījušas īstās jūlija beigu datumu dienas, lidmašīnā iekšā un prom uz Maskavu. Izkāpusi Šeremetjevo lidostā, esmu iztēlojusies, cik tas viss būs vareni un skaisti, gribu piemiņas bildi ar lidostas burtiem fonā un sajūta, ka esmu ne mazāk, ne vairāk, bet īsta dāma. Nezinu, kāpēc tā jutos, bet, kā šodien atceros, ka manas Tommy Hilfiger džinsu svītrainās kurpes pasvītroja seksīgos kāju īkšķīšus sarkani krāsotus, jo citi pirkstiņi bija paslēpti purngaliņā. Vien tik, ka vienu pirkstiņu mazliet var redzēt. Puķaina kleita pāri celītim, uz auguma, ar jostiņu, kuru var tā rotaļīgi virpināt pirkstos un spēlēties ar to, vēl vairāk man lika justies dāmai. Nu tur bija arī somiņa un brillītes, nu, tā, kad lido uz Maskavu, lai ir kā lielpilsētā no provinces. Tad mani statusa ietvaros sēdina šoferis priekšā un mūsu “transfērs” gādā mūs prom savus 200 km aiz Maskavas uz Pereslavļu. Mašīna veca, kondicionieris nestrādā īsti labi, vai pat nestrādāja vispār, bet tas nemazina to sajūtu, ka viss ir lieliski. 200 km likās, ka braucam un braucam, un braucam. Šoferis skaidro, ka Maskavas sastrēgumi esot viena traka padarīšana. Galvenais esot “prarvatsja čerez Moskvu”, tad jau tālāk ejot kā smērēts. Ierodamies vietā, kur notiks pasākums. Lauku tūrisma vieta ar nosaukumu “Park Vesļevo” (ja pareizi atceros nosaukumu). Ir mazākas mājiņas, vairākas izkaisītas plikā pļavā, uzkalna galā, un ir centrālā viesnīca. Paliela ēka divos vai pat trijos stāvos, standarta viesnīca. Nākot viesnīcas virzienā pa centrālo eju, pamanu, ka rozes ir, bet nātrēs ieaugušas. Uzreiz apvaicājos organizatoram, kāpēc pie viesnīcas nav nātres izravējuši, kāpēc ļāvušo rozēm nātrēs augt? Saņemu atbildi, ka no nātrēm rasas vairāk, tā rozes no rīta var padzerties rīta rasu, ja nu piemirstās tās aplaistīt. Saraucu degunu un nodomāju - fui, cik muļķīga atbilde! Mūs izmitina labākajos numuros, to saprotam, jo, izejot uz balkona, esam pašā centrā visam atpūtas kompleksam. Meitenēm oma riktīgi labā, tās tik ķīķinās, un nenosaukt to, ka būtu viņas pusplikas, bet par apģērbtām arī nenosauksi. Tādas tās te švirkt uz balkona, tur hihihaha, tad atpakaļ spurgdamas istabiņā. Tiek apspriesta tēma par iepazīšanos sociālo tīklu vietnē “Otra Puse”. Pirmo reizi dzirdu tādu nosaukumu. Tad mūs baro un fonā ir patīkama kņadoņa, smiekli, spurgšana, smaržas, ko radām mēs pašas. Pašas tādas apmierinātas ar visu, kas apkārt, un visvairāk tā ir uzmanība, ko saņemam no apkalpojošā personāla, no organizatoriem, esam tādas kā saulītē ieceltas, jo kā nekā mēs taču no Eiropas! Tad mani pasauc malā un ar visnopietnāko sejas izteiksmi tiek paziņots, ka ieradies ir TV, tas ir “OPT”, nu, es taču saprotu, ka tas ir visas valsts rupors un, par cik viņiem esmu es - pilots no Eiropas, tad man būs jārunā. Lai es tikai nesatraucos, jo viss jau ir labi, viņi jau arī tikai cilvēki vien ir. Man gribās pat iespurgties tai brīdī. Kas ta man?! Jūsu OPT, Jūsu rupors, es taču neesmu ne bailīga, ne man tā Jūsu OPT biedē. Paaicina mani tie TV cilvēki tā, lai fons ir gleznains, tādā kā uzkalniņa, kur arī visu atpūtas parku var gana labi redzēt, un uzdod jautājumus, ko es domāju par šo vietu, par seno Krievijas vēsturi... Esmu pacilāta, deklamēju no galvas to, ko jau pirms gada par šo vietu biju izdomājusi, ka, kā minimums, tā ir viena no TOP vietām pasaulē. Šobrīd rakstu un smaidu par sevi, savu naivumu, un arī tai brīdī, vēl ne tik bagātīgo ceļojumu pieredzi.

Pēc intervijas mani ved, lai parādītu šī pasākuma manu “komplekt aerostata”. Pirmais jau - man paliek gara seja, kad ieraugu, kāda mašīna. Krievu VAZ, GAZ - kaut kas tāds ar atvērtu kasti jeb piekabi aizmugurē, bet priekšā var sēdēt tikai šoferis un vēl viens. Vaicāju, kur tad manas meitenes sēdēs. Man tiek norādīts – ka tur tai kastē, kura atvērta. Nodomāju – mums taču rīta lidojumi ir 5:00, ir vēl auksti ārā. Grr..., bet nu labi. Noriju. Tad man izrāda gaisa kuģi, ar ko būs jālido. Skatos, pētu un domāju. Nu labi, pa groza dibenu gan jau neizkritīšu, kaut gan grozs stipri apšaubāmas kvalitātes. Tad ieraugu degļus jeb sirdi gaisa balonam un saprotu, ka tas ir vāks. Nu, cik tam gadi un no kura antikvariāta tas ir izkasts? Pētu visu savu komplektu un lūpa stiepjas gara... grr... grrr... iekšā rūcu. Neko vēl jau nesaku, bet tikai rūcu. Tad mūs garā kolonā visus ved uz pacelšanās laukumu. Olalalā, zāle tā, ka līdz ausīm. Vaicāju, kāpēc tā zāle te nav pļauta nekur? Atbilde skan, kad sabruka Padomija, tad kopš 91. gada neviens par to īpaši nepārdzīvo. Lauksaimniecība jau ar neesot neko attīstīta. Visu pērk no ārvalstīm. Sava pat piena īsti nav. Sākam pakošanos, uzstādīšanu gaisa balona, un man viss ir slikti. Man katrs sīkums tracina, un man lūpa gara, seja šķība un uz kašķi velk. Gribu mājās! Atved pie manis resno kaut kādu. Visi klanās šim, aplēkā, un man tiek stādīts priekša kā Pereslavļas apgabala gubernators. Visus tos prezidentus vāciet prom. Es gribu mājās. Tad atvelk vēl kaut kādus žurnālistus, operatoru. Tie arī ar saviem stobriem. Ja nav kamera 60 kg smaga uz pleca un nav mikrafons ar kātu 1 m, neviens taču nesapratīs, ka amats nozīmīgs. Pati dusmojos par savām žultainām domām. Fui, man kauns par sevi, bet man viss besī. Pirms uzlidot, man tiek iespiests avīžu žūksnis rokās un virtuves padomju laika zažigalka. Teksts no pasākuma organizatora - “ Jesli garelka tuhnit, ti gazetku padazgi i v gorelku”. Viss, nu man asaras acīs un labi, ka milzīgas saules brilles uz acīm, vismaz šitie svarīgie to neredz. Riju asaras, jo nevar raudāt, man tūlīt jālido. Es gribu mājās. Ļoti gribu mājās. Pie mums rozes izlaiza, ne tikai ļauj pie parādes durvīm nātrēs ieaugt. Pie mums zāli pļauj. Mauriņu kopj. Pie mums nav tādas gaisa balona tehnikas, kura vecāka par mani. Pie mums viss ir labāk. Gribu mājās! Tiek dots signāls startam. Kožu lūpā, vaigā, tad stipri sakožu zobus un aiziet. Uzstartējam, ne cik ilgi, tiešam deglis nodziest. Mazliet sāk trīcēt rokas, tad jūtu, arī ceļi dreb. Labi, miers. Neesi mīška. Tev iedeva avīzi un šķiltavas. Šķil un dari, ko lika. Visu izdaru, ar skaļu puuh, puuuh deglis sāk darboties. Pēc minūtēm dažām atkal tas pats. Skatos, kur es lidoju, kas būs, kad man vairāk avīžu nebūs? Nekas traks, iekritīsim kaut kāda 2 m augstā, vairāk kā 20 gadus nepļautā zālē. Jālido zemu, lai drošāk, ja krītam. Esmu gaisā savas 35 min. Nokritusi neesmu, arī avīzes vēl ir. Skatos, tie, kas man pa priekšu, sāk piezemēties pamazām. Saprotu, ka nav jau te nekāda Latvija, kur pļaviņa izpļauta tāda, un varbūt vēl palidot uz priekšu, kur pļaviņa kā mauriņš, ka ar basu kāju var iet. Zāle te nav pļauta un nebūs. Āmen. Saviem gondolas biedriem dodu norādes par to, kas darāms uz piezemēšanās brīdi. Kur stāvēt, kā rokas turēt... Neko laipna neesmu. Pašai sev nepatīku. Bet, ko lai es daru. Man vienkārši te viss riebjas! Esam pie zemes. Forši. Nokrituši neesam, bet atkal zāle man līdz ausīm. Visi kaut kur airējamies pa to zāli ar rokām. Komandas mašīna stāv uz ceļa. Pa rāciju saku, lai brauc pļavā iekšā ar savu GAZ vai VAZ, kā viņu tur. Meitenes atbild, ka šoferis viņas neklausa. Viņš tik ēdot semenes, spļauj uz ceļa un triecas ar kaut kādu citu šoferi. Nu, čalīti, ja Tu zinātu, kas man tur šobrīd iekšā darās, es tūlīt nogdaunā Tevi izslēgšu, ja Tu mani un manas meitenes neklausīsi! Diezgan nopietni airējos pa zāli ceļa virzienā, galvā jau kaujos ar viņu un pat esmu dabūjusi pie zemes. Kauns šobrīd rakstīt to, kas manī toreiz bija. Pienāku klāt, protams, mierīgi vaicāju, jo mēs jau pieauguši esam un impulsus tak valdām. Kas par iemeslu, kāpēc nav iebraucis pļavā, kā meitenes lūdza? Šis grauž savas semenes, skatās diezgan naglo skatienu man virsū un sejā rakstīts tam – te pie mums vecenes mājās sēž, nevis norāda, kas vecim darāms. Atbilde skan strupa – “služebnoje auto, ja nebudu na pole jehatj”. Skatos viņam virsū, protams, ka manā galvā šai brīdī ir viņam nogdauns, un mierīgi saku - “Jesli Ti nebudesh, ja sama zajedu”. Viņš apsmejās. Un vēl bezkaunīgāku skatienu man skatās virsū ar tekstu, ka šeit nevar iebraukt. Atbildu, ka es ar savu zemo Wolksvagenu te iebrauktu, Tu ar savu augsto VAZ mani no purva vari izvilkt. Nekas nenotiek. Grauž semenes. Nekustas ne no vietas. Saku viņam vēlreiz un ļoti stingri - "Oļeg, ja seicas sjadu za rulj, Tebe budet stidno, shto safer neznajet kak jehatjh na svajem sluzhebnom auto po poliu”. Ciniski atbild čalis man – "Ti ne prajedesh!" Es esmu pie sava – “Jesli prajedu, pri vseh tebe v mordu dam. Horoso?” Šai brīdī semene kaut kur iestrēgst un, ne vārda neteicis, demonstratīvi sēžas mašīnā. Bubina pie sevis - “Čiortova baba”. Mani var saukt kā gribi, man tāpat raudāt gribas no visa šī Krievijas murga. Protams, vāģis bez mazākās aizķeršanās ir iebraucis pļavā un sākam balona pakošanu pa šo milzonīgo zāli. Visi tie citi ir laimīgi. Arī manas meitenes ķiķinās par garo zāli, spiedz, spurdz, jo esot tā zāle pilna asu ušņu, nātru un skrāpē kājas. Kura vēl pagūst nosūkstēties, ka esot vakar vaksāciju pirms ceļojuma veikusi, ka šausssmīgi sūrst. Visu savācam, izbraucam uz ceļa, un tad man tas lielais, kuru pirms tam apsaucu savādāk, dod kaut kādu smalku krievu dzirkstošo vīnu. Skatos uz viņu, uz to operatoru, žurnālistu. Nu parasti cilvēki, tāda jau arī es. Vienkārši, man te viss nepatīk. Kaut kas ļoti sūrst vaigā vai acī, nesaprotu pat īsti kur. Sakumā it kā pamiris, pēc tam riktīgi pampst. Opā, tai pļavā kāds mošķis būs ticis zem brilles un iekodis man vaiga kaulā zem acs. Tiekam skaidrībā par kārtību, kas tālāk notiek? Meitenes un pasažieri ar kaut kādu “bulku vāģi” tiek transportēti atpakaļ uz viesnīcu. Un es ko? A man pēc statusa jābrauc ar šoferi “ņepadaļioku” pildīt gāzi. Braucam mēs abi, neko daudz nerunājam. Jo abi jau atceramies savu maču pirms brīža. Šis pat semenes vairs negrauž. Tikai rullē. Braucam, braucam, braucam. Pēc 35 min apvaicājos, vai vēl tālu? Atbilde skan, ka nē, vēl tik pat apmēram. Saprotu, ka ne tikai "duša prastornaja", arī attālumos viss tepat, tas ir 2h tur, 2h atpakaļ. Šoferis uzsāk sarunu ar mani. Stāsta, ka te apkārt to klosteru esot kā sēņu un baznīcu, bet viss tas ir butaforija. Klosteros tādi visādi dzīvo, kuri ne sevi zina, kur likt, ne piederīgajiem gar viņiem ziņa. Tad šie ”svētie” sadzerās, izkaujas, un šos padzen, lai iet laimi citur meklēt. Un šie arī iet. Iet uz citu svētvietu. Un tā pa apli. Viņš man to stāstīja, jo ceļa malā, naktī, tumsā, jo sen jau kā tumšs, jo braucam mēs ilgi, stāvēja viens ar cibu mūka tērpā. Es visu laiku nevaru sevi sakārtot, jo gribu mājās. Skatos uz melno nakti, kur ar pirkstu var durt, nekas nav redzams, un domāju, ko es te daru? Uzpildām gāzi un kratāmies atpakaļ, jo ceļi Krievijā jau ir atsevišķs stāsts. Atbraucam, krietni pēc pusnakts. Stipri sāk līt lietus. Ejam vakariņās jeb nezinu, kā tās saukt. Mana acs ir aizplūdusi pilnīgi ciet, piepampusi, sūrst vaigs no kodiena un arī stipri niez. Brilles arī stulbi likt uz acīm, jo ir nakts un esam telpās. Organizators paaicina mani, lej šņabi, dod sviestu un saka, lai apsēžos, nāku parunāt. Sākam sarunu ar to, ka es tikai klausos. Esot jāņem viss vieglāk. Te ir Krievija, te neesot nekāda Eiropa. Un man vispār savs vācietes stiliņš un zamaškas jāatmet. Nu nav te pļauta tā zāle, nu nav te tā tehnika nekāda labā, bet cilvēki labi toties. Un šņabītis ar ābolīti, ko uzkost tak garšo labi. No šņabīša atsakos. Pēc brīža jau manā glāzē ir kaut kāds vīns. Manis pēc, šovakar varēja būt arī sarkano vai balto biešu novārījums, man viss viens. Es gribu mājās. Tieku skolota par aviācijas principiem Krievijā. Ka te viņu daudz, ja arī kāds nositas, neviens neko daudz par to nerunā. Lai es nesatraucos, apglabās mani, puķītes nesīs uz kapa un pieminēs kā varoni. Visi smejas. Man ne līdz smiekliem. Tad man stāsta, ka ar tehniku kā ar cilvēku, vajag sarunāt. Ja tā ir veca un negrib klausīt, pirms lidojuma lai aprunājos. Sarunāju, ka mums jālido, jādara labs darbiņš, cilvēki jāiepriecina, festivālu vajag rotāt ar baloniem un savu klātbūtni. Klausos un sajūta, ka tie ir slimi kaķu murgi. Sarunāt ar veciem dzelžiem, kuri sen bija jāizkausē metālā. Neko ilgi neaizsēžos, noklausos un pie miera. No rīta lidojums. Manī ir protests. Es gribu mājās. Es nelidošu no rīta... Man viss te riebjas. Kā es varētu šonakt dezertēt? Kas man jādara? Es sapņoju par to, kā es izkāpšu Rīgas lidostā un skūpstīšu zemi, ja gadījumā pa šīm dienām neatradīšu savu sarkofāgu un nedezertēšu. Domas, domas, domas... nogurums ņem virsroku... 

Ir jauns rīts. Saule lec un kokiem gali šūpojas. Saprotu, ka tāds jēdziens kā meteorologs pasākumā te arī būtu kaut kāda vācietes kaprīze. Jūtos slikti. Kratāmies uz kaut kādu tālu lauku. Lauks kā visi te lauki. Nav ko vienu un to pašu atkārtot. Ceļu galvu saulei pretī, jo tā vismaz te tāda pati kā mājās. Ozolu gali šūpojas. Tātad nav mazāk kā 7-8m/sec. Ja pat man būtu mana tehnika, es nelidotu, nerunājot par degli, kurš dziest pat mierīgā laikā. Uz jautājumu, vai plāno pacelšanos, saņemu atbildi – “Jesli ņetu grozi i silnovo dozhdja, veter ne pomeha. Polia bolshije, vsegda mozhno prizemlitsja i ob derevnja tormozitj zhe nezapreschajetsja”. Saku stingri, ka es šorīt nelidošu. Saņemu atbildi, lai braucu atpūšos, pa dienu aizejam uz muzejiem, sagatavota būs speciāla izklaides programma man un meitenēm. Viss kārtībā, lai savedu sevi kārtībā uz vakara lidojumu. Atkal acis pilnas asaru. Tā viena pa nakti ir sapūtusies tā, kā uzpūtenis uzkults un svaigs. Sārta, zila, sarkana, visās krāsās, un redzēt ne gramu. Nesaprotu, skaļi gaudot vai smieties. Gribu mājās. Plāns par dezertēšanu ir dzīvs. Kā un ko lai es pasaku meitenēm, ka es laižos prom, lai viņas paliek. Vai laižamies visas. Skatos uz viņām. Tās kazas ir riktīgi priecīgas. Arī jau tikušas pie semenēm, grauž, smaids platu seju. Fotogrāfējas un mani biksta, ka lai skatos, te esot viens čalis, nu riktīgs personāžs, kā no filmas. Nu, esot jāiepazīstas. Ja man nepatīkot, lai viņas sapazīstinu. Uzmetu aci. Krievs ķerzas zābakos, kamuflāžas biksēs. Fui! Nu gan varonis! Autiņš šim interesants. It kā Mercedes G klases, tikai kaut kāds krievu vietējais ražojums. Tipa stilīgs bobiks. Šis sēž, atspiedies pret riepu starp mašīnu un piekabi, un visu laiku pīpē. Vēro. Meitenes ķiķinās, šis mūs vēro un skeptiski smīn. Man ne līdz tādām muļķībām. Es gribu mājās. Lai iet pašas iepazīties. Diena paiet vareni un visām uz priecīga viļņa, arī man. Jo mums ir sagatavota speciāla programma. Tiekam vestas uz “Carevnas ļjaguškas muzeju”, izrāda mums visas pilsētas "dastapremečiatelnostias". Nu, forši! Saule spīd, muzeji interesanti, programma ar dejām un tautisko piesitienu. Visi jautri, viss te labi. Man arī patīk. Protams, es redzu arī to otru medaļas pusi, ka pilsēta nātrēm aizaugusi, ka spoži "kolakala", bet nātrēm pilni pakši. Bet šobrīd mēģinu par to nedomāt. Baudu visu, ko mums viesmīlīgi ir sagatavojuši, un uz kaut kādu brīdi pat savu skaitāmpantiņu jeb mantru “gribu mājās” esmu piemirsusi. Ir ļoti silts, ir spožs, un cilvēki no sirds cenšas, lai mums patiktu, lai būtu labi. Ir jau labi. Ir ļoti labi. Kaut kas manī salūzt. Mazliet. Kaut kādu bruņu vesti es nometu un mazliet atbrīvojos. Domās domāju, ka varbūt tiešām ar to degli pirms lidojuma vajag aprunāties? Brr..., es stulba palieku, vai?! Vakara lidojums. Viss skaisti. Rīta un dienas spožā saulīte lutina arī vakarā. Visi tiek vesti uz kalnu, kur kalna ielejā būs starts. Episki skaists skats, kā no senkrievu filmām. Kalni, lejas, pļavas, plašumi, krievu mājas. Organizatori mēģina izčamdīt manu noskaņojumu. Saku, ka aizbrauksim uz starta vietu, tad pieņemšu lēmumu. Varonis kamuflāžas biksēs un tāda paša toņa balonu piekabi smaida man. Vai arī smīn par mani. Man brilles uz acīm. Es izliekos, ka neko neredzu. Atbraucam tai starta pļavā, pie manis nāk vēl operators, žurnālists, tie jau citi. Esot mani OPT redzējuši, vai varot interviju paņemt? Saku, ka var. Runāju ar viņiem nenopietnas muļķības. Uz jautājumu, kāda komanda, kas tādas? Atbildu, ka esam Viagra grupas līdzinieces. Tikai gaisa balonu komanda. Ka man tāpat nāk un iet tās meitenes. Vienas klāt, tad atrod vīrus, saprecās, bērnus sadzemdē, tād nāk citas vietā. Tad bērni paaugās, atkal nāk atpakaļ komandā, jaunas klāt, visu laiku visas mainās, ka jau nezinu, cik man tās meitenes ir bijušas un kas to lai zina, cik vēl būs. Visi smaidīgi, mani iepazīstina ar pasažieriem, kuri lidos ar mani. Pāris no Tjumenj. Mēģinu kartē sazīmēt, kur ir tāda vieta? Kaut kur tālu. Pāris smaidīgi, saulaini un ļoti gaiši cilvēki. Nāk priecīgi klāt un stāsta, ka esot uz šejieni sākumā 4 h ar lidmašīnu lidojuši, jo tāds milzu notikums valstī – balonu festivāls priekš Krievijas tik leģendārā vietā. Tad viņus no lidostas, visus tūristus, kas gribējuši redzēt, kā gaisa baloni izskatās dzīvē, šurp veda autobuss no Maskavas. Autobusā rādīja sižetu OPT, tur viņi mani redzējuši, un tad vēl pateica, ka viņi varēs lidot ar mani. Viņi esot bijuši vislepnākie visā autobusā, jo visi esot skatījušies ar skaudību. Ak, Kungs! Jāiet runāt ar to degli. Šie ir gaiši un dzīvespriecīgi cilvēki, lai es tagad norautu roķeni savu baiļu dēļ. Pienāku pie tehnikas. Skatos uz to un domāju. Es nekad neesmu sarunājusies ar metāliem. Skatos uz to nabaga veco degli un saprotu, ka es jau kaut ko mēģinu viņam pateikt. Mēģinu izlūgties, sarunāt. Stāstu tam, tam metāla gabalam, ko viņš neredz, ka es arī jau cik dienas lūdzu, lai man iedot kaut sarkofāgu, kā es gribu uz mājām. Ko, viņš nesaprot, ka man arī ir ļoti grūti? Ka mēs varētu abi sarunāt, ka mēs iepriecinām šos cilvēkus? Es nebūšu kašķīga. Es mēģināšu ieklausīties skaņās, kas nāk no tevis, es mēģināšu kloķus raustīt maigi un ar mīlestību, bet tu mēģini, lūdzu, nedzist un izdarām to, kas jādara. Lūdzu! Šķiļu degli un tas bez skaļa ppuuff klusiņām, normāli strādā. Skatos uz šo, pamāju ar galvu un domās saku paldies. Tai brīdī redzu, ka varonis kamuflāžas ietērpā un šoreiz kedām kājas mani vēro. Bet viņš jau savu balonu ir uzslējis stalti un gatavs lidojumam. Ko es te kasos? Kur meitenes? Kur Oļegs, mans šoferis? Laižam tam bumbulim pa sāniem un lidošu es šodien! Startējam! Viss ir pasakaini skaisti apkārt. Kad paceļamies gaisā, paliek reljefs zem kājām, ne es nātres no rozēm varu atšķirt, tikai zaļa, sulīga krāsa visapkārt. Zaļš paliek zaļš arī Krievijā un, ko es te ņemos ar tām rozēm, nātrēm, garo zāli... un vispār, ko es te ņemos? Pāris no Tjumenas man stāsta, kā viņi tur dzīvo. Kādas atšķirības vienam Krievijas apgabalam no cita. Ka gribot arī lidaparātu pirkt, bet tas būšot dirižablis. Vīrs esot naftinieks. Tur Tjumeņā naftas ir gana, pietiek visiem. Un vispār Krievija nevar sūdzēties par jebkāda veida naftas produktiem. Arī gāze sava un lēta. Tikai kaut kā palaiduši to laiku, kad lauksaimniecība plauka un zēla, tagad ne vairs govis, ne vairs piens savs. Tas gan esot bēdīgi, jo viss ir tikai mākslīgu pulveru produkti. Nekas nav baudāms. Tam es pilnīgi piekrītu. Lidojam, pļāpājam un es saprotu, ka man deglis nav ne reizi nodzisis. Paskatos uz to, ar acīm noglāstu un domās saku paldies. Tā lidojam mēs tik ilgi, līdz redzu, ka kaut kur pa kādam kolēģim jau sāk piezemēšanos. Ak, mēs jau gaisā gandrīz stundu. Neko šoreiz es nejutu, ne laiku, ne degli, ne to, ka man acs sakosta un redzu es mazliet. Bet šovakar jau redzu labāk. Lielais uztūkums sāk mazināties. Skatos – kaut kas neticams, riktīgi skaista un izpļauta teritorija ar savu personīgo, iekoptu ceļu, viss ir tīrs, perfekts, es pat teiktu tā, kā pie mums Cēsu pusē. Jo tur viss ir izlaizīts tā, ka baltās zeķēs pļavā var nākt. Kaut kas neticams! Manam skeptiskajam un kasīgajam prātam tas ir brīnums. Nekavējoties sāku piezemēšanos tieši šeit un nespēju beigt priecāties, kā tas būs, ka mums nevajadzēs brist pa garo zāli un vākt balonu pa nātrēm, un man tie cilvēki arī ir tieši tik forši grozā, ka arī viņi ir pelnījuši skaistu pļavu, labu ceļu. Pabeidzu lidojumu uz maza, bet ļoti tīra celiņa kalniņa lejā. Hmmm... kaut kas te aizdomīgi ar šo teritoriju. Daudz mazas vadziņas visapkārt, aug viss. Varbūt pat kas, ko es neatpazīstu. Nu, redīsu un burkānu lakstus es redzu, arī gurķi staipās pa vagām, un tad redzu, ka no kalna gala manā virzienā lido baloni un vēja spārniem nesās 3 personāži. Saprotu, ka tas viens ir batjuška, jo viss tas tērps viņam mugurā un tās divas mūķenes. Nu šie nesās kā no Sprīdīša filmas komendante, tikai viņi ir 3. Balons, kurš pārlaižas man pār galvu tik paspēj atstāt mazu ziņojumu. Atskan vārdi no gaisa – "Ingaaa, privet! Ti seichas pizdii paluchish". Un gaisā skan gurkstoši – hahahaaa. Balons ir pie zemes, 3 komendanti nesās man pretī un esmu gatava tam gaisa vēstījumam, ko man sūtīja kolēģis no gaisa, saņemt tepat uz zemes. Divas mazās mūķenes un batjuška atskrien aizelsušies pie manis, bez laba vakara, pat bez Amen vai ko tur pareizi saka ticīgie šai konfesijā, sāk rakstīt man ārā. Klausos un saprotu, ka viņu valoda ir senkrievu bagāta, vecvārdu pilna, kur es saprotu, par ko ir stāsts, dzirdu visus elles liesmu nolādējumus, kā es tur kaut tur nonākšu un degšu, ka esmu svētu zemi piesmējusi. Skan n-tās reizes vārdu salikums – “Zjamļja svjata pri svjata”. Es tad nodomāju, kāpēc tai vienai, kura neko nesaka, tikai māj ar galvu, acis sagājušas abas konusā, te konusā uz leju, te kā smilšu pulkstenis met konusu riņķī, un abas kā zaķim šķībi uz augšu. Skatos un domāju, tā, kura ķērc spalgā, spalgā balsī, tai acis skraida, bet nav konusā. Tā, tā, tā, kas te mums tais vadziņās aug? Ko ta šie tik tramīgi, ja jau tik svēti? Skatos uz vadziņām un domāju. Vai nu salietojusies kaut kādus medikamentus, vai arī te kaut kur tepat laba kaņepīte starp burkāniem un bietēm. Vēroju un visu laiku klusēju. Tā, kura neganti ķērc, pārstāj ķērkt un man vaicā - “Ti čego molchish? Ti gluhonemaja”? Saku, ka es klausos un gribu tikai pateikt, ka esmu nolaidusies uz ceļa, kur nekam pat pieskārusies neesmu. Ceļi taču ticīgo pasaulē pieder visiem? Ķērkšana turpinās un tiek draudēts, ka tūlīt izsauks organus. Ka tie organi zinās, kur mani likt, kā mani sodīt. Protams, ka man tai brīdī skaidrs par kādiem organiem viņa runā, bet acu priekšā pazib arī kāda niere, plauša un akna. Un es iekožu vaigā sev, jo, ja es sākšu smieties, es dabūšu ar kādu no tiem batjuškas krustiem pa otru aci, ar kuru vēl kaut ko redzu. Tai brīdī metru 200 attālumā vēl viens ir nolaidies tepat šai "svjataja zemļā". Es jau smīnu, jo zinu, ka ne es viena "pizdu palučila", tūlīt arī viņam būs tas pats. Tad 3 komendanti atmet ar roku, tik nobubina, ka es kaut kāda kurlmēma esmu, un nesās kalna virzienā, jo ar mani jau gan balss ievingrināta, gan pantiņš gatavs. Jā, pēc dažām min. dzirdu, viss tas pats. Tikai ķērkšana nav monologā, jo kolēģis no Krievijas skaidrā tēvu valodā sūta matušku nah... Domāju, interesanti, vai viņa maz zina, kā tas izskatās un ko ar to darīt? Smaidu un mani pasažieri skatās uz mani, un kopā prātojam, ka gan jau atbrauks tie organi un viss būs labi. Tai brīdī pa rāciju runājam ar meitenēm, kuras ir otrpus žoga. Viena ir attapīgāka un saka man, ka mums taču ir kaut kāda lapele iedota, tur paraksts un štampelis no gubernatora, ka mēs varam braukt iekšā visur. Saku, lai to lapeli parāda tiem organiem, kad atbrauc, ka mēs mierīgi gaidām. Te viss tīrs, skaists un pa lielam jau ne mūs sita, ne ar krustu dabūjām, pāris norādījumi tikai par to degšanu un tām liesmām. Viss rit gludi. Arī varas vīri ar vīuu, vīuu ir klāt un tiek atvērti milzu vārti. Tos vārtus es nespēju aizmirst pat pēc tik gadiem. Kā krievu pasakās rāda, kad ir milzonīgi vārti, kas uz abām pusēm vaļā veras, un kad sēta ir tik augsta, ka ne pāri pārkāpt, ne redzēt, kas otrpus žogam. Organi sagaida ķērcošo sieviņu ar papīra lapeli un rāda, un saka, ka mums ir tāda situācija, ka gubernators ir devis atļauju laisties jebkur, un es esmu no citas valsts. Tā matuška uzmet skatienu man, nobubina atkal - “Ja že gavarila, ona gluhonemaja” un tad caur pieri visi 3 lūr uz manis, un tā, kurai acis konusā, mēģina viņas dabūt puslīdz līmenī. Tās acis. Uhh... Tad tiek ielaista teritorijā mana "služebnaja mašina" ar visu Oļegu un meitenēm. Mēs pēc 5 min. esam gatavi doties ārā no šīs svēto teritorijas, kur dabūju ellīti zemes virsū. Otru kolēģi matuška turpina rāt un sūdzas miličiem, ka, kas tas par cilvēku? Svešā zemē ielauzies, rupjus vārdus runā, kā tādus zeme nes? Tad es nodomāju, ka to, cik šī mazā sieviņa lāstu, ļaunu novēlējumu mūsu virzienā raidīja, to viņa noteikti pat nenojauš, jo svētam cilvēkam viss ir svēts, pat lāsti. Piebraucam visi pie varenajiem vārtiem, es palūdzu, lai šoferis pietur, jo gribu es tomēr tos visus novēlējumus atstāt šai pus žogam, nevest uz āru, ko tā matuška man sateica. Pienāku klāt un saku, ka es ļoti atvainojos, ka es nespēju pat iedomāties no gaisa, kas tā par teritoriju, ka ne man domas par to, lai ielauztos svētā, svešā teritorijā. Atskan matuškas teksts – "Horoso, horoso, vot Ti daže zavtra i kazhdij denj mozhesh siuda prizemliatsja, no vot etot (rada uz otru manu kolēģi pilotu), jemu v adu garetj i Bog jemu ne v pomosch. Takih v ad!" Saprotu, ka tas ir bezjēdzīgi. Viņa nedzird un arī nekad nesadzirdēs to svēto saturu, kas nāk no mazas tantiņas galvas un mutes pasaulē. Lai tiem ticīgajiem viss labi! Tiekam nu mēs ārā no šīs krievu svētās vietas, gribās iet aukstā avotā muti nomazgāt, jo tā tiešām bija ellīte, un mazā, ķērcošā sieviņa sarīkoja neaizmirstamu sajūtu ilgam vēl. Pāris no Tjumeņas jūtās ļoti neērti un sakaunējušies svēto uzvedības dēļ. It kā mēģina taisnoties, atvainoties. Saku, lai met mieru. Vienīgie atbildīgie par jebkādu rīcību esam mēs paši. Es par to, ka nolaidos tur. Viņi par to, kā uzņēma mūs tur. Tas arī viss. 

Jauns rīts. Visi starta gatavībā, tikai lietus līst. Sapulcējušies pie viesnīcas draudzīgi čalo. Kāds drukns, pat teiktu stipri apaļīgs pilots koķetē ar mani. Nav manā gaumē. Par šo viena no manām meitenēm teica, ka esot foršs džeks. Vēl jo vairāk, ja kādai patīk, tad mani vispār neinteresē. Tiesa gan, man te viņām tās patikšanas mainās arī ik pēc dienas. Jūtu, ka mani vēro varonis kamuflāžas ietērpā. Kaut kas tomēr viņā ir. Varbūt? Lietus sāk pierimt un nekavējoties tiek dots zaļais starts. Vakar ar tiem degļiem sarunāju un esam jau pat iepazinuši viens otru. Nav ko daudz domāt. Lidošu. Lidojums ir tāls un ātrs. Pūš labi, pūš skaistām vietām pāri. Tām, ko es biju saskatījusies attēlos un izsapņojusies, cik būs skaisti tas viss. Grozā man pāris no Ivanovas. Neatceros, cik tas tālu no tās mūsu lokācijas, bet pāris sajūsminās par to, ko redzam visi kopā. Nu, ir jau skaisti, jo tie spožie torņi, mazo saules stariņu apspīdēti, kuri tikko knapi ar elkonīti pastūmuši lietus mākoni malā, laužas uz āru un rotaļīgi apspīd pamali, apspīd ezera virsmu, pļavas un greznās baznīcas. Lidojums ir skaistu skatu pilns. Piezemēšanās gana sportiska, pļava plaša jo plaša. Pēc piezemēšanās sākas stāsts par ceļiem Krievijā. Kartē ir ceļš. Lidoju un no augšas redzēju ceļu, nekāda šoseja jau nebija, bet ceļš, kur iebraukt bija. Tad sakontaktēju ar meitenēm, vaicāju, vai šoferis atkal neklausa? Saņemu atbildi, ka klausa, bet neesot reāli tā piebraukt. Lūdzu, lai iedot rāciju Oļegam. Viņš man skaidro, ka te esot tāda nianse ar ceļiem, ka kartē ir, kaut kad arī reāli tie bijuši, bet līdzīgi kā ar to nepļauto zāli - “Napravlenije jestj, dorogi netu”. Johaidī! Labi, ejam kājām viņiem pretī, kur viņi man skaidro, ka stāv, kur beidzoties visi ceļi. Gan tūlīt ko sadomāšu. Ejam mūsējiem pretī mēs ar Lindu ilgi, ilgi. Ļoti ilgi ejam. Nezinu, 5 -7 km? Beidzot satiekamies pie vietas, kur ir upe, upei pāri koka tilts, vietām papuvis, vietām sašķiebies. Skatos un saprotu, ka te ir stāsts par dienesta auto, bailēm, ka nevar ar auto pa šo tiltu braukt, tāpēc arī bija atruna, ka ceļa nav. Nu labi, tilts nav jau nekāds spīdošais, bet tas ir. Saku, lai sēžas un brauc. Redzu, ka Oļegam zīlītes paliek plašas pa visu aci un šis ir gatavs jau iebilst, kad sāk ar mani mēģināt sarunāt, ka tā nav laba doma, ka mašīna smaga, tilts vecs, izkritīs cauri. Saku, ka vajag mazliet pamēģināt. Ja jutīsim, ka dēļi sāk brakšķēt, tālāk nebrauks. Labi. Oļegs sēžās savā kabīne un pēc dažiem metriem mašīnas viens ritenis izslīd pāri tilta malai, mašīna sašķiebjas tā, ka šoferis pa savu pusi kāpt āra nevar, jo tad pa taisno lēciens upē. Es jau neskatos uz šoferi, jo zinu, ka tam ir ne tikai acis šausmu pilnas, bet tas ir gatavs tiešām lekt upē un mukt prom no manis. Saku, lai nebīstās, tūlīt iešūposim un stumsim atpakaļ to autiņu, viņam, galvenais, negrozīt riteņus, bet dot mierīgi atpakaļ. Viņš tad izdveš, ka tas nav reāli, ka vajag traktoru. Saku, ka vajag mēģināt, tad, ja nesanāks, iesim pēc traktora. Izskaidroju, kāds ir iešūpošanas princips, kad viņam gāzēt, un ka nedrīkst grozīt stūri, lai dod taisni atpakaļ. Sameklējam kaut kādus kokus, kaut ko ko bāžam zem riteņa, kurš karājas gaisā virs upes. Mierīgi arī meitenēm skaidroju, kā šūposim auto, kad tikai mazliet, kad ar visu, cik iekšā. Tie bija tieši daži šūpojieni, kad autiņš izleca atpakaļ pļavā. Smaidu, jo saprotu, cik ļoti šoferis negribēja pār tiltu braukt, tik ļoti tas tomēr gribēja atpakaļ uz sauszemes. Izkāpis no mašīnas, tas ir gatavs nolikt mandātu, pārkristīties, laikam pat nospļauties un mukt prom, ko kājas nes, jo viņš arī neslēpj un saka skaļi – "Ja takuju babu v žižņi nevstrečial. Ti prosta čioknutaja! Čiortova baba. Čiortova baba". Tas atkārto, bet stāv kā iemīts, projām neskrien. Saprotu, ka viņš jau domās peldēja ar visu savu VAZ upē, bet man nav laika plunčāties pa upi, man balons ir jādabū piekabē. Saku, ka mums tad jābrauc pa citu ceļu. Un man ir atkal cita ideja. Braucam, braucam, tur, kur mēs varētu tikt, tur ir stāvs krasts. Riktīgi stāvs. Ja viņš nebūtu tik ļoti izbiedēts, varētu ar viņu sarunāt, bet redzu, ka viņš ir riktīgi izbiedēts. Kā lai pārliecina, ka auto neapgāzīsies? Redzu, ka kaut kas te ir noticis nesaprotams pat man. Šoferis ir gatavs sadarboties komandā. Viņš sāk ar mani apspriest plānu, kā mēs varētu pievarēt šo stāvo krastu, braucot pa slīpo lejā un tad pa slīpo augšā. Es piedāvāju, ka es šo ceļu vispirms iziešu kājām, lai saprastu, vai negrimst, vai krasts ir gana stabils, lai neripojam lejā. Viss rit kā smērēts. Sakumā pa slīpo lejā, tad pa slīpo augšā, un tad paši izgudrojam savu jaunu ceļu, bet esam pie balona atbraukuši ar veselu dienesta auto. Ne mēs to noslīcinājām, ne mēs to apgāzām. Un šobrīd jau tāds sīkums, ka mums jābrauc desmiti km pa garo zāli, Oļegam, salīdzinot ar visu citu, ko lieku darīt, ir tikai paliels sīkums, kā man sarunāt ar degli, lai tas nedziest un lido. Hey! Mums šobrīd ir komanda! Mēs visi kopā, nosvīdušām pierēm, mazliet melnam mutēm un ļoti melnām rokām, bet saviem spēkiem, bez traktoriem, esam tikuši pakaļ balonam un sapakojušies, laimīgi dodamies atpakaļ uz bāzi. Galvā jau man skan tie vārdi - “Čiortova baba”, bet, ko lai es daru? Man nav variantu, jo te neviens arī man to sarkofāgu nedod un uz mājam mani nesūta. Tad jācīnās līdz galam. Vakara lidojums. Noslēdzošais. Ko?!?? Rīt mēs lidojam mājās? Es esmu to izturējusi?! Es tam nespēju noticēt pati. Wow. Ko, nopietni? Jau pēdējais vakars? Kaut kur tas viss pazuda, laiks kaut kā pa savam izkūpēja un smilkstēšana fonā šobrīd tikai sajūtu atstāj, bet es esmu dzīva. Man pat acs vairs nav pietūkusi, jo dienas pagājušas, tik vien kā koduma vieta un mazliet zils zem acs, nekas jau nav traki vairs. Paveros debesīs. Olalā. Tur negaisa mākoņu ka biezs. Te nav runa par degli, bet par drošību. Apvaicājos, vai lidojums ir atcelts. Atbilde, ka noteikti nav atcelts, kaut uz 3-5 min, baloni uzlidos, kad sāks līt, tad fiksi metīs pie zemes. Man tiek izsniegta atļauja nelidot, jo lietū tas deglis tiešām nebūs sarunājams. Tas tad nebūšot droši. Oho. Kad saprotam, ka mēs nelidosim, bet pārējie gatavojas, apejam goda apli. Pat neatceros iemeslu kāpēc, bet pie pirmā piegāju pie varoņa kamuflāžas ietērpā. Viņš skatās man acīs, silti smaida un saka, ka nu nav jau arī priekš viņiem te nekāds lidojamais, lai jau nedomājot, ka te visi ir trakie, bet esot palicis daudz sponsoru, kurus kaut uz 10 min, bet vajag pacelt gaisā. Šim jau balons stalti uzsliets un pēc silta smaida divi pūtieni, pilns grozs sabirst cilvēku. Sajūta, ka viņi ir gatavi kaut uz groza malas sēdēt, kaut virvē iekārties, ja netiek grozā iekšā, bet, galvenais, lidot. Tie sabira tik tai grozā, ka ne izskaitīt. Kur tur vēl vieta pilotam? Tur pat dažu metru attālumā druknais pilots skaļi sauc – "Devčionki, paļeteļi?!" Pieejam arī viņu apraudzīt. Šis skaļi, gurkstoši smejās un komentē – “A čevo, seičas na triošku kak rvaņiom, tam ne dožhdja, ne grozi, solnca i mi. Beriom konjačiok, paleteļi!” Tad šis klusiņām man čukst - “Nu skažite pažalusta, čevo vi seičas bolše vsevo bi paželali”? Atbildu, ka tā būtu glāze auksta šampanieša. Atbilde skan, ka te Pereslavļā bus grūti atrast īstu šampanieti, vajadzēs uz Maskavu pakaļ braukt. Nekavējoties tiek dota komanda, balonu pakot, ka mainās plāni, viņš tāpat kā mēs nelidos, un mēs visi kopā brauksim pēc šamapanieša. Smaidu, jo te saulespuķes princips. Ja nav saules, tā ir aizgriezusies projām, tikko saule, tā paverās visā krāšņuma ar seju tieši pretī. Viss noris ātri. Balons sapakots, mēs tur arī roku pieliekam, darba drēbes tiek ātri samainītas pret ko glītāku, un visi, salekuši pilota glaunajā Mercedes vāģī, laižam pakaļ šampanietim. Pie plauktiem, kur tiek skatīts šamapanietis, mēģinu konvertēt valūtas un saprotu, ka nevar būt tik dārgi, tas, ko druknais pilots gatavs pirkt. Un ne jau vienu pudeli. Visas saskatāmies, saprotu, ka ne es viena konvertēju ar izbrīna acīm. Bet krieviem sirds ir plaša, ja vēl maka biezums sakrīt ar sirds dāsnumu, tad mēs šovakar pa smalko atzīmēsim atvadu vakaru. Atbraucam no veikala uz bāzīti un tad gan, ja jau smalks dzēriens, es gribu arī sapucēties. Velku savas smalkās kurpes, ko iemetu čemodanā dziļumā, kad ieraudzīju rozes nātrēs. Sajutos tik ļoti kā tā roze, ka kam man te pucēties. Bet šovakar gribu! Visas esam uzcirtušās un ejam uz telti, kura sagatavota atvadu ballītei. Telts ir gara, gara un plaša. Dēļu grīda, skan krievu mūzika. Mums tiek pasniegts auksts, dzirkstošs vīns. Smadzene noreibst no sajūtu buķetes. Es jūtos atkal es pati. Man ir tīras, glītas drēbes mugurā. Man ir kurpes kājās ar papēdi, kas vienmēr rada sajūtu, ka tas ir tā, kā vajag, jo esmu sieviete. Rokās dzirkstoša vīna glāze. Druknais pilots tik trinas arvien tuvāk un tuvāk, un acīs skatās, un smaida, un uzrunā smalki uz “Jūs”. Redzu, ka, man negribot, te tāds mīlas trijstūris veidojas. Jo tai manai meitenei viņš ir iekritis acīs. Braucām uz veikalu, es ar nolūku ielīdu mašīnas tālākajā stūrī, beigu galā, palaidu to priekšā sēdēt. Tagad ko lai es daru? Neko. Mani neinteresē nekāds šis trijstūris, es baudu auksto dzērienu un esmu domās jau lidmašīnā. Es praktiski nerunāju vispār, tikai klausos. Šis man stāsta par sevi. Nevaicāju, kāpēc viņš tā dara, jo nodevu viņš jau ir samaksājis. Tagad būšu pieklājīga un paklausīšos. Pie otrās vai trešās glāzes sāk nākt visi citi, kuri aizlidoja. Kuri dabūjuši lietu, kuri paguvuši nolaisties pirms negaisa, bet pakojušies pa lietu. Visi ir slapji, bet tīrām drēbēm. Atvadu runas, pateicības, tosti. Un es, kā iekalta, esmu tai pašā vietā un klausos runu plūdos, kas birst no apaļīgā pilota. Kaut kur man trūkst pavediens, uzmanības noturība, kaut ko dzirdu, kaut ko palaižu garam, bet māju ar galvu un saku visu laiku – mhm, mhm, aaa, mhm... Gribu svaigu gaisu un labierīcības. Pieceļos, eju pa dēļu grīdu un saprotu, ka ir gana. Kādam brīdim ir gana burbuļu galvā. Nežēlīga kombinācija – nosēdējies krātiņā, smilkstiens pēc mājām, nogurums un alkohola burbulis. Atgriežos pēc brīža, cerības pilna, ka mans sarunu biedrs būs atradis citu, ar ko parunāt. Pa ceļam mani pārķer varonis klusais kamuflāžas tērpā. O, tas ir nomainījis drēbes. Nu tam ir kedas kājās, viegls T-krekls un foršas džinsenes. Šis varonis izskatās tāds, kurš, iespējams, par paciņu cigarešu mani iemainītu, jo tam ir sveši senkrievu plašās sirds žesti un uzrunas forma "Jūs". Tam ir cigarete zobos un redzu, ka tūlīt arī ģitāra rokās. Šis sēdina mani sev blakus un spēlē dziesmu par Maļvinu. Skaista balss. Smieklīga dziesma. Nāk druknais pilots un aicina mani uz sarunu. Oho. Jau duelis? Nē, šis tikai gribot parunāt. Turpinām sarunu, laikam tai vietā, kur jau bija 3 glāzes dzirkstošā un mana uzmanība diezgan izklaidīga. Atkal māju ar galvu, tikai šoreiz viss ir labāk, mēs stāvam pie loga teltī un es elpoju svaigu gaisu un labi varu vērot visu kas notiek teltī. Man patīk, kas te notiek. Tāds viegls čilliņš. Katrs dara ko grib. Kas dejo, kas citā kaktā ģitāru trinkšķina, kas runā, kas klausās. Man jāklausās. Viņam vajag izrunāties. Tam, kurš ar ģitāru rokās, vajag smaidīt un vērot. Klausos, kamēr izdzirdu tekstu, ka esot es ļoti gudra. Ko? Es te varbūt vienu vai divus vārdus pateicu? Izņemot galvas kratīšanu un mhm, mhm, neko citu neteicu. Tad viņš aicina mani doties līdzi uz Maskavu. Ka uz lidostu atvedīs laikā, meitenes neesot mazas, viņas transfērs nogādās lidostā. Braucam, viņš aicina! Nedomājot ne sekundi saku "nē". Pēc dažām minūtēm saprotu, ka puisis devies projām, īsti pat neatvadījies. Labi vien ir. Soļa attālumā stāv kedas un ģitāras čalis. Nākošajā brīdī, es jūtu, ka mēs dejojam. Esmu noreibusi, bet tik labi ar viņu ir dejot. Man patīk viņa ķermeņa uzbūve. Tas ir garš, slaids, laikam pat tievs drīzāk. Kad mana roka tam uz pleca, jūtu kaulus vairāk kā gaļu. Man patīk šī sajūta. Pati piespiežos tuvāk, interesanti to saost. Jo smaržu pasaule ir instinktu pasaule. Tas ir iekoservējis sevi cigarešu dūmos. Viss ož pēc cigaretēm. Tādām iftīgām, riktīga skarba dūma smaka. Bet man tāpat patīk. Es jūtu, ka visu iepriekšējo dienu sakrātais sāk sublimēties sievišķīgās izpausmēs un ka man patīk šis puisis. Viņš neko nerunā. Viņš klusē. Mēs klusējot dejojam un ostamies. Un mums abiem tas patīk. Tad seko ģitāra, cigarešu dūmi, skaista, ļoti skaista viņam ir balss, kad tas dzied. Tas nerunā, bet skaisti dzied. Dzied un ik pa brīdim aizpeld sevī. Viņš tiešām ir pasākuma varonis, bet es to nemūžam nebūtu ievērojusi pati. Ne tas druknais, ne šis nav man vajadzīgi. Mierīgi ceļos un eju gulēt. Eju klusiem soļiem pa garo telti. Dzirdu, ka ģitāra vairs nespēlē. Neatskatos, eju vien tālāk. Pie trepēm, aiz pleciem, stingrām rokām satver viņš mani un saka - “Matj detei svoih, ja dolzhen pravaditj sam”. Mēģinu pareizi salikt krievisko vārdu virknējumu galvā, saprast, vai pareizi tulkoju tos, un ļauju, lai pavada mani. Ir spožas saules pieliets rīts. Vēl tikai brokastis, ceļš uz Maskavu un tad ilgi gaidītā lidmašīna un Rīgas skrejceļš, traps un tad beidzot mājas. Mierīgs atvadu rīts ar organizatoriem. Silti apskāvieni pavārītei, kura mūs, nosargāt gribēdama, katru rītu uz četrām nesa paciņu margarīna. Otrā dienā mēs šai teicām, ka pie brokastīm mēs 4 nekādīgi nevaram pievarēt margarīna paku. Saņēmām skaidrojumu, ka tas palīdzot, ja vajag daudz šņabi dzert. Apēd margarīnu, uzkod ar ābolu, un tad šņabi var liet sevī, nekas nenotiek līdz brīdim, kamēr margarīns pilnīgi izkūst, un rekcija taukiem ar spirtu esot tāda, ka tauki uz brīdi to visu salipina un ņeļauj pa asinīm tik ātri aizplūst un paildzina apreibšanas brīdi. Tas bija iespaidīgs skaidrojums! Re, kā, kam vēl var būt noderīgs margarīns. Ceļā uz Maskavu ainiņas, ainiņas, daudzas ainiņas acu priekšā. Spožais iznāciens lidostā Šeremetjevo, tik pat spoža piezemēšanās, kad ieraudzīju “komplekt aerostata”. Tad cilvēku sejas, neskaitāmu svešu satikto cilvēku sejas. Šoferis Oļegs, atvadu vakarā apskāva mani cieši, cieši un teica - “Tverdim strezhinem Ti, dorogaja”. Tad klosteris, ķērcošā lāstu pilno galvu svētā tantiņa un acīm konusā asistente. Batjuška kā jērs, kas māj tik ar galvu un piekrīt, ko saka sievietes. Foršie no Tjumeņas, Ļjaguškas carevnas muzejs, krievu spožums uz āru, bet nātres līdz padusēm realitātē uz zemes. Un mana sarunāšana ar degli, lai tas klausa, lai nedziest. Bērnu kafejnīca, kur jādzer šņabis, jauzkož ābolītis, tautas labestīgā vienkāršība un varonis kamuflāžas tērpā, atvadu vakarā ar kedām kājās un ģitāru rokās... To visu es ņemu sev līdzi, to man nekas nekad nespēs atņemt. Tas ir izdzīvots un tas ir mans.

Uhhh, ka aiznesa. Kā krievi teiktu – "razneslo"... Stāsts vispār ir par Jumanji spēli, kur spēli sākām mēs 3, bet tad kauliņu kombinācija Ļenai deva iespēju spēli pamest.

Atgriežoties pie Ļenas. Pirmo nedēļu, kad atbraucām šeit, ne viņa, ne es sapratām, kas un kā te īsti notiek. Katra, kā mācējam, tā uztvērām, garšojām, malkojām un vadījām izbrīna pilnām acīm dienu no dienas. Otrā nedēļā gribēju, lai Ļena padzerās no manas sajūsmas pilnās krūkas un sāk baudīt Taizemi kā gardu ēdienu. Bet tā nenotika. Ļena ar katru dienu arvien vairāk un vairāk noslēdzās sevī un bija, manām acīm raugoties, skumju pilna. Domāju, ka jāgaida, lai paiet tās divas, gan adoptācija, gan aklimatizācija, un viss ieies savās sliedēs. Pēc vīzas pagarinājuma, jo Ļenas vīza bija uz 15 dienām. Mums nav draudzīgās attiecības ar Taizemi politiskā līmenī. Latvija, Ukraina un Meksika - esam tādā sarakstā, kur, ja netaisi vīzu, pirms sūtīt pasi uz Stokholmu, pase un vīza uz 90 dienām (tāda ir mums ar Teodoru), jo Latvijā nav Taizemes vēstniecības, tad lidostā maksimumu, ko dabū, ir 15 dienas. Tad nu Ļenas pase bija Mjanmā, saņemta vīza uz vēl 15 dienām. Es biju cerību un apņēmības pilna, ka nākošais ceļojums uz Laosu dos iespēju saņemt vīzu uz 90 dienām arī Ļenai. Laosu mēs nesagaidījām, jo trijatā nedēļa bija “sarkofāga” nedēļa. Skatoties smilkstošajās, stiklainajās Ļenas acīs, skaidri redzēju sevi tos gadus atpakaļ, ko augstāk aprakstīju. Biju gatava priekš sevis galīgi trakam risinājumam, palikt, ka stāvu viena te, jo ne man auklīte te, ne man risinājums, ko darīšu katru dienu 05:20 no rīta, kad eju uz lidojumu. Bet gan jau es tikšu galā. Kā teica šoferis Oļegs – “Čiortova baba”. Un es nevaru viņam nepiekrist, tāda jau es arī esmu. Izdzīvošu, kaut asiņainiem elkoņiem, bet, ja ir mērķis, rāpošu tā virzienā. Te Taizemē man ir vairāk kā viens mērķis, kāpēc esmu šeit. Tāpēc gan es tikšu galā. Tai brīdī arī man dūša papēžos, acis ik pa brīdim slapjas, bet nav variantu, jāsūta Ļena mājās. Lēmums tiek pieņemts, abām saprotot, ka tā būs daudz labāk. Ja nav, tad nav ko vilkt gumiju un cerēt uz brīnumu.

Vēl viena lieta, ko der zināt par Taizemi. Te NAV, lūdzu, pasvītrot sev galvā un nediskutēt par to, te NAV vispār sapratnes par to veģetārismu, kāds ir Eiropā. Ļena ir pārliecināta veģetāriete. Mēnesi mēs izmisīgi meklējām veģetāriešu ēdienu. Ja gribas, to var atrast restorānos, bet mēs atbraucām uz parastu ikdienu šeit, ne pa restorāniem staigāt. Parastā ikdienā te viņi, labu gribot, 100%, pat 110% ieliks gaļu. Nu, kā Tu šitā bez gaļas? Ja ir bodīte ar skaļu paziņojumu VEGETARIAN, tas nozīmē, ka ēdiens nepeld taukos, tas ir gaļas 100%, bet ar mazāku tauku saturu. Tur būs vai nu vārīta, vai tvaicēta gaļa. Visi buljoni ir gaļas, protams. Un aiz sapratnes un cieņas par to, ka Ļena tiešām neēd gaļu, zivis, vistu, neko no jebkāda veida gaļas izstrādājumiem, man sirds asiņoja skatoties un izmisīgi meklējot Ļenai kaut ko, kas nav gaļa. Beigās tie izrādījās, rīsi, nūdeles un dārzeņi. Bet, cik Tu ilgi sēdēsi uz viena un tā paša? Tas ir apnicīgi, gribas taču kādu daudzveidību un gribas kā cilvēkam paēst normālu veģetāru ēdienu. Tādu mēs atradām 1x, bet tas bija smalkā restorānā, tipa mūsu Bibliotēka Nr.1 Veģetāriešu ēdiens, protams, būs sastopams katrā viesnīcu brokastu piedāvājumā, jo tur brauc tūristi, bet mēs nedzīvojam tūristu dzīvi vispār. Kā tikko no lidostas, man tika paziņots, ka 05:00 no rīta jābūt uz strīpas, jo ir jau lidojums. Tāds sīkums, ka mūsu čemodāni atceļoja tikai 3-ās dienas vakarā, un uz lidojumiem sākumā biju ar visu, ko man te aizlienēja komanda.

Ja es šeit būtu nokļuvusi 7 gadus atpakaļ, nez vai es izturētu tik ilgi kā Ļena. Tāpēc, mana sapratne, cieņa un pateicība par to laiku, ko pavadījām te kopā. Jumanji nākošais stāsts būs ar nosaukumu GIFT.

Es jau saku atsaukties uz Praew. Vēl tieku saukta par Eiga, uz to arī atsaucos.

Autors Inga Ūle 2022. gada 23. februāris
It is deep night in Skopje, the capital of Macedonia, where we spend the night. This experience was so vivid that I will write a few lines. The main target of the trip this time was the Ostrog Monastery and second, the balloon fiesta, which incidentally starts tomorrow. The story of the Ostrog monastery can never be explained or shown to anyone with pictures, because this story is different. The heart is filled with white light. It is difficult to describe in words the charge of energy I get from journeys of the heart. Every time I travel, there are an infinite number of images that appear before my eyes and do not fade from memory but the feelings stand out above everything else. The road to the Ostrog monastery and back: We left at 5:00 am to be on time for the morning liturgy, which starts at 6:00. We will have to drive a bit on a serpentine road, around six kilometers. I was advised not to drive myself, at the very least to be doubly careful, and to allow extra time. Leaving the hotel, rain is pouring. The fog is so thick, that it is impossible to see anything. Relying on our feelings, we find the door handles of the car and try to feel the roadway in the same way. The visibility is less than a meter, or rather, the visibility is as far as the light of the heart and the wish to get to the destination can shine. We are starting our way up the mountain on the switchbacks. I am driving very slowly. Having traveled 7 km in an hour, we realize that we are lost, and from time to time we lose our orientation as well. Pouring rain and thick fog are confusing us. It feels like huge spaciousness without time, as if we are a living body who breathes and feels, but without space, without time ... A light appears at the top of the mountain and gives us hope... Maybe we are not lost, maybe this is the monastery? No, there is no monastery. But there is a house. So, in the rain, at 6:00 am Baiba and Inita are walking to a house on a hill to find out where in space and the universe we are. The girls are joking that Saint Peter himself will open the gate and invite us in, but after opening the door, he will think that Mary herself came down from the sky with her companion ... Of course we cannot live without laughter and ironic humor. The girls come back and say that the man spoke only his language, but using his gestures he was able to explain that the monastery is in a different direction. We have to drive back down and go up a different mountain. Another hour and another 12 km passed. We are getting out of the car and climbing the mountain, where the silhouette of the monastery is barely visible through the fog. I recognize the monastery, which we saw on Google and on postcards in the hotel where we stayed last night. The rain continues falling, you cannot say otherwise. It pours on us with large crystal drops soaking us from head to toe. Climbing the mountain, it is impossible not to think that the truest things, the most important direction and life lessons we learn by going through difficulties. We are climbing a high steep pathway up the mountain, and with the strong force of rain we are soaking wet in a few minutes. It is cold due to rain and fog, and, by the way it is January 15th! Visiting the monastery is an absolute mystic experience, because we don't know much about religion, we don't know anything about Orthodox beliefs, rituals, etc. We were sure about only one thing- we have to go to this place. We have to find the Ostrog monastery. A man, one of the servants from the monastery, is showing the way and we are following him. When the door opens, a small cave appears in front of us, where a room was created. The ceiling and walls of the cave are covered with frescoes. In the room there is a coffin with a covered body in it. Two Russian pastors, religious men for sure, (perhaps priests?) – are looking at us with a feeling that clearly indicates that we understand nothing about religion and that we are tourists who had brought ourselves here, in some incomprehensible way. They encourage us to kiss their crosses, and are directing us towards the coffin. We do not understand what is happening next, it is already enough that we kissed the cross in a small cave at 7:00 o’clock in the morning. It is a fact, we really don't understand anything about religion. But our feelings are telling us that everything is fine, we are here, and in front of God even a fool is a worthy person. As quickly as we got into the cave, abruptly we go out. Then on the way out, we are caught and sent up to the 2nd floor- there is a room where we can stay for free, for two nights, with bunk beds in rows. Here people can pray, meditate, spent time by themselves and be with like-minded people. The sound of crackling firewood comes from a small stove with a small door, where firewood is burning. As soon as we enter the room, hearing our language, a 40-50 year old man jumps up and is extremely happy to meet people from the Baltics. The guy, after saying his first sentence, alarms me, it is not clear what his goals are for staying here, and the cynical question arises in my head: is everything OK with this person's mental health? But it is clear- without asking we have received a guide, and the guy is ready to tell us EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING - the history of religion, the strength and superiority of the Orthodox faith over all others, the miracles of the Ostrog monastery and about St. Nicholas, who lies in a cave, hidden in a coffin and whose remains do not decompose. After completing a quick, short course in religion, we understood that we will have to return to the cave, where St. Nicholas is resting in peace, to quietly pray and think. Instructions about the ritual are given along the way. We write the names of the people who will be mentioned during the liturgy on a piece of paper, to pray for them. Papers with which you can walk inside the cave and give to the pastors, who loudly read their prayers, commemorating souls ... And a separate room where you can pray and light candles. The organization is as follows - on the one side for the living, on the other for deceased, a magical space, where ancestors are coming, reaching out and standing next to us, as if they were alive; a place without the time and space, only the universe, where you can meet your ancestors. My grandmother, from my mother’s, side immediately stands on one side, and grandmother, from my father’s side, on the other. It's a strange feeling… I know that I'm alive, and both grandmothers are dead, yet in this distant corner of the world, they are standing next to me, both holding my hands and asking me to pray for them. I feel cold, but I can’t understand- from what exactly. Maybe it’s from the fact that I am soaking wet, standing in a dark cave where candles are crackling, and water is dripping, condensed from the interaction of the cold cave and the air. Or maybe from the mystical feeling that two dead grandmothers are standing next to me, both holding my hands… The cave in the cliff is charred black from the candles... The cave where the living meets the dead, where prayers of the worlds’ crossroads are heard ... And me ... And my three companions. Although the cave is small, we are at such a distance from each other, that we can barely hear other voices and the sounds of crying. There is no sense of time, there is space, there is no time ... The most difficult thing is to answer- for how long we stayed there ... It could be an hour, it could be 20 minutes, time has disappeared. Once again, we are inside the cave with the coffin. Now we are more knowledgeable, we have sheet of paper with the names of the people we are asking to pray for. And the priests are praying for them. After listening to us, the liturgy begins. We do not speak their language, but we understand that the liturgy is about EVERYTHING, because all aspects of life are mentioned. In the cave with the remains of St. Nicholas we pass the time with liturgy, and prayers ... Again, time is undefinable. When coming out and heading to the bus, a man comes up, who takes "patronage" over us. He speaks Russian and asks to talk. The rain is falling. We are completely wet, spent indefinite hours in various small caves, prayed, cried, met our ancestors, lost sense of time, cannot even physically understand whether it is cold or just wet... Realizing that there is no church here in the classical sense, with a large room and pictures, an altar... Here are small mountain caves, where for hundreds of years the colorful frescoes have not lost their luster and the pictures are as if they were painted yesterday. It is difficult to explain how it can be… Humidity, rain, dampness ... But we understand that this is not the place for rationality, this isn’t the place to think, here you need to feel your heart, pulse, and heartbeat ... Here you need to take an elevator down to the lowest basement of yourself and see only a soul - a white soul weighing several grams. And yes ... The man desperately is trying to follow us, and to talk ... He gets on our nerves; the sound of spoken words feels disturbing now. I don't want words now. We've already let him know twice that we want to be alone. Now, when we are ready to leave, he insists that he would like to have conversation with us, and is asking for 5 minutes. Even before he spoke, I already knew what was coming. The girls are trying hard to get rid of him. I understand that I will be tolerant until the end. I am allowing him to talk. I say goodbye to the monastery with my eyes. I understand that I will have to go down from the mountain in the rain, and I am asking the man to walk me to the gate. He follows and starts to talk about the uniqueness and strength of the Orthodox faith. I am listening, and thinking at the same time. What is this gigantic machinery- religion!? And at the same time, I understand that I will get wet to the last thread, and that I have high-heeled shoes with 12 cm heels, and I will need to walk down on the slippery stones. The only thing I really want now- is a strong man's hand that will help me walk down the slippery cliffs in high heels, and doesn’t even matter, that he talks about the religion. I grabbed him with mystical grip, leaned on him and allowed to lead me down the mountain. He is delivering a monologue, but I am too focused on the wet stones to listen carefully; I am afraid to make wrong movement and slide down with my 12 cm heels. We walked down, but I don't remember much from the religious lecture he was giving me. I thought about prayers for the ancestors up at the monastery, but least of all I thought about my private life, or about the fact, that I was afraid of relationship. And on this long walk from the mountain, I prayed. It doesn’t matter how strong I am, I wish God will send me a man with whom I can be weak. I really want that. I am not just allowing him to help me, I have a feeling that he carried me down from that mountain in his arms. His task was accomplished. He showed me the understanding that strong girls want and look for a man who will allow her to be weak, who will carry his little fool in high-heeled shoes off the mountain in his arms. Of course, this man did it believing that he was a servant of God, and his mission was to help this lost girl. Anyway, I thought about everything that happened there for a long time after that…. Completely soaked, I entered the bus and we silently rolled along the serpentine in the fog and rain. We descended from our Calvary Mountain, each of us lost in our own thoughts, experiences, and in complete silence. Of course, also not without laughter and cynicism, because at 7 o'clock in the morning the priests are asking to kiss the cross and about the coffin with the mystical remains ... The irony of this came from our minds, but it had nothing to do with the emotions we experienced there. The photo that Inita took with the road, fog, rain and completely wet Me, is the most important photo of this trip. The sincerest emotions and feelings are baked in to it. There, being a living soul, I was together- hand to hand, with two deceased souls. It was there, where I went down the mountain and realized that without a man's shoulder I would have to walk barefoot on January 15th, because I would probably break my head in high-heeled shoes... A silly girl who tries to feel life like walking in a thick fog I am getting wet walking through the crossroads of my life, and in the end, I only have one wish: a safe shoulder besides me…
Autors Inga Ūle 2021. gada 23. decembris
People. There are only two seasons in Thailand. Winter and summer. Now is the summer, rainy season. Everything around is wet. Landing is difficult, there is rice and tea plantations in the water everywhere, and if there are no plantations, there is a city or canals. Therefore, the flying experience I have accumulated over the years is very useful, so far not a single landing field on which I have completed my flight has been more than 50x50 sq.m. Sometimes even less. There was a funny incident this morning. The private flight has been booked, which means- attention! It’s someone's birthday or some other important event. Before takeoff, they give me an elegant bouquet of roses to hide. A beautiful Thai lady with red-brown dyed hair, within my height or slightly shorter arrives to the take- off area, together with her lively and cheerful man. He had beautiful sunglasses and, of course, like the rest of the 99%, had never heard of the country where I come from. I'm already used to saying that I'm from Russia or Scandinavia. Usually I choose the second option, probably because I look pale to compare with locals. But now about my passengers. Judging by their behavior looks like there will be a marriage proposal. After taking off, they took pictures, filmed videos, changed their accessories, squatted down creating a picture as if one of them was flying, changed places. All that was done very actively and it was fun ... I have my fingers crossed that it doesn’t rain. Forecasts showed that rain clouds are getting closer and closer to the mountains. We have been in the air for 40 minutes, politely looking at the guy, I remind him about that. Both young people are happy with everything I am saying. He looks rather like he's not going to propose. Well… my the task is simple – I am looking for a place in the city where it would be safe to land the aircraft. This morning the currents has been ungrateful- they pulled me either to the direction of the mountains or turned to the city. Somewhere the site for landing looked too small, but somewhere there was a pasture with a lot of cattle. Smaller- bigger. Oh, I look on the ground where a man and a woman are beating the grass with sickles and there are no cattle there. At that moment we were already in the air for 57 minutes. But still ,there is no proposal. The bouquet of roses stays untouched. Okay, I have to bring both cuties to the ground. I also hear the raindrops that are starting to hit the balloon. Obviously I am not looking for adventures, and I am starting to land towards the senior couple who are beating the grass. From the emotions and body language of the woman, I can see that her bison is somewhere in the vicinity, she waves so that we fly further. An unwritten law of many years - "always choose the least of two troubles." I do not see her buffalo anywhere close, the area is dry and wide enough, there is no need to worry about the safety of the balloon and people, and the road is right beside. Smoothly, centimeter by centimeter I am approaching the ground. The lady continues to express her dissatisfaction, and my passengers, the couple from Bangkok, are translating what she is saying to me. The basket touches the ground, and I am starting a conversation with the help of translators. A little explanation of the specifics of balloons: it starts raining and that it's not safe to fly in the rain. That I have no steering wheel to turn for the better place, that I will immediately turn off the burner and the buffalo will not hear me at all, and that the team will fold everything up in three minutes, and that we really, really didn't want to bother her, but please let us stay and pack everything up. Well, the lady is already smiling and replies that the main thing in Thailand is kindness and a smile. She smiles with wide, white teeth and her lips are plump. Everybody has same smile here. I love their smiles, strong teeth and plump lips. I am smiling as well and asking the couple to translate to her that in my country we have buffalos too, and that they are afraid, but only at the beginning, later they come closer to be friends. But hey! What should I do with these roses? They have to be given to the beauty from Bangkok! But it's not up to me to do this, I have to give a sign to the guy with cool glasses and nickname Ed, so that he does something with a bouquet of flowers and I am giving bouquet to him. Now the funniest part of the flight began. He looks at me, then at the roses and asks if I want to give him flowers? I laugh out loud saying that maybe there is a place in the whole world, where the pilot gives a beautiful bouquet of roses after the flight to the guy instead of female- passenger, but certainly not here, and in my country, they don’t do that either. He laughed very loudly. Then he asks me, “What should I do with these flowers?” My answer is that he could give them to his beauty. Then he laughed even louder, very loud, but I couldn't understand why. Maybe because he was embarrassed, or because he himself did not buy these flowers, or didn’t order them, or because it was an ordinary flight, without much intention. It is unclear who putted these flowers in the basket. Then he takes the flowers with both hands and gives them to his beloved one, as in a fairy tale, and she bursts into laughter together with him. We all laugh at our funny misunderstanding about that he thought that I wanted to give him flowers. An incredibly cool and energetic couple. In general, the coolest people in the world fly balloons and nationality does not matter. The order here is that arriving at the start, I am going straight to the basket, I am flying, and after I am going to another vehicle that picks up passengers and the pilot and drives them from the field to the celebration place. Diploma of first flight and morning champagne. Apart from a good sparkling BRUT, I have not seen anything else here. Everything is the same every morning. From 08:00 to 08:30 you have to drink champagne :) After the ritual, we hug like old friends (not with all passengers, though), these guys had the vibrations that I am very familiar with - take life as a joy and crunchy pumpkin chips, crunch deliciously and sweetly! About Thai people. They are the same as all people, but there is a difference. They are active. Speaking of work, they don't put it off not even for a minute. They said and they did it right away. It is very hot and humid here, but people are surprisingly mobile and hardworking. They work like little ants. We fit together and I have a feeling that I belong here. They adore children. Teodore swims in love every day. When entering the store, you get something like a small gift just like that. Soda, water, fruit, cucumber or tomato, but they will give you at least something. They are not intrusive, rather very warm and sincere. It does not matter where we are from, the main thing is a child, he is a blessing, joy and love for them. I agree with them in this matter. What are their views on where is safer for the child? Of course, in the arms of the mother. Everywhere. In a car, on a scooter ... As locals say, maybe 10% are using a car seat because only rich people from Bangkok can afford it, but here the locals don't know what it is. Within a month I found only one place where I could buy a car seat. An example for comparison- a decent car can be bought for 60,000 baht (1,500 euros) here. A standard car seat costs 15,000 baht (400 euros). To the locals the price is completely incomprehensible, because a good scooter is even cheaper than a car seat. It was a legend of the first month being here, but through this situation I got to know better a part of their culture and perception. Since the country is full of warm-hearted people, the balance is maintained by dogs- they are shameless, they are impudent, they roam in packs, it seems to me that the kindness of these people is as big, that even a shameless dog will not be hit. These dogs are really annoying me. When I drive on the streets in our area, they already recognize my car and no longer lazily move their paws along the road, they must know who is the boss of the area. Local cars are driving even 5 km / h, if they see that there are dogs lying on the road. They have already realized that if my car is driving, there will be no Thai slowness and they are jumping off the road just in time. Their snouts and temperaments are such that they are considering people too weak, so they took over human authority. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe only in Chiang Mai and area of many kilometers around it is so, but it feels like that, and I really don’t like them. Street food allows you to live with 1-2 euros per day. In case you are on tight budget, or if you want to travel, instead of spending money on food for higher class, you can eat the food for lover class or ordinary people. I am eating everything here, and especially a lot of street food. Here, on the streets, there are a lot of spices, smells, aromas and different tastes, the head is dizzy from the variety of tastes and pungency. Sometimes I come across something so spicy that I start to feel like a local, because I am dealing with spicy food very well. Spicy but good. Today I feel as a "bourgeois" ... pizza (for the first time since we are here), ice cream and coffee from McDonald's. Coffee cup is 2 times larger; the culture of drinking coffee is different here. The most popular coffee is soluble instant coffee and in granules. However, the taste is different from what we are used to. A few granules are equal in strength to our 2-3 teaspoons. I really don't want to talk about food, but this is the first thing that comes to my mind. Yesterday on the street I bought something similar to a main course, of which 90% I did not recognise what it was at all. Distinct twigs, small berries and bushes, a bouquet of spices ... it was such a joy and a feeling - well, HOW can you come up with something like that? Sometimes it seems to me that they are putting everything, everything, everything that comes to mind in the food. Worms, cockroaches and giant flies are roasted like seeds. But I'm not that brave yet. I just watch them being fried, I smile, but for now I am just observing. What I like most here is their unobtrusiveness. No one calls you anywhere, no one tries to convince you to buy their goods. Of course, with my white fluffy head and pale skin, I am falling out of context here, but I don't feel like someone is staring at me. Pharmacy. You can weigh yourself for free. Which is what we did at the evening. So far so good :) Here you can get EVERY possible medication, there is no prescription system here. Teodore had a dry cough at night, and I am looking for a solution. I am not sure why I wrote about these three things today; I really don't know. P.S. In a month, there was only one brave man who tried flirting with me. I do not distinguish between the age of women and men here. I have two categories, the young seem to me being 25-28 y. o., even those who are 40 and 50 seem young to me. I can’t even distinguish between mother and daughter, for me they look the same. The second class, which is clearly after 60, but it may well be already 85. Of course, I don’t know how old that brave man was, but in my opinion, he was right into the first category. The guy was working in the balloon crew. Every morning I have 7-9 of them. My task is simple- to come, light the burner, climb into the basket, fly and land so that the crew can assemble the equipment. That morning I landed in the smallest square I have ever landed on. It was a road, a ditch, a wet rice plantation, and a ball of electrical wires that are tangled in such a way that I'm sure an electrician definitely has a Ph.D. This morning I wanted to stay a little longer with the balloon, so I sent the passengers to the bus and said that I will be joining in 5 minutes. While I was there, with a balloon, the bus left for the hotel with passengers. Then the brave guy said that I would have to go with him. What was the meaning behinds his words, I did not quite understand. I do everything that they tell me to do, and very rarely I am asking questions. Questioning I gave up while being here. They do not understand English, and my knowledge of English language is not at the level of Oxford. I am a self-taught person who is trying to learn more. Then the guy leaves and shows me with his hand to take my pilot's briefcase. Let's go! Oh, let's ride a scooter. I cannot describe the feeling. We wander 10-12 km through the winding suburban streets of Chiang Mai. His smells, aromas. Warm and cool air waves. Everything I see is so alive! Well, don't even ask if they have helmets here. :)) I saw someone wearing a helmet, but in general, just like with a car seat - no stress, these are small, unimportant things in life :) After a 4 km ride the guy asks me if I ride a motorcycle. I nod my head. He also nods and says that he feels it, and points his fist at his heart. There are not many questions and answers here, everything is better with feelings. This is it for today. Happiness doesn't come. Comes the ability to see it. / E. Safarli /
Autors Inga Ūle 2021. gada 23. decembris
This name, or as we say - a nickname - will follow the person and be part of their personality for their whole life. Only a mother can feel the energy and the vibration with which a child is born. For the first two weeks, here in the office, I thought they were giving nicknames to each other, and they are so accurate! Someone is called “Square”, someone is called “Peach”, there is one called a “Slow one” ... I thought - Wow! The nickname matches so much with the person's personality that there is nothing to add or take away. So finally, this week, I asked the question- is it common in the offices across Thailand to give nicknames to everyone? They laughed heartily in response, amused by my assumption. Then they explained to me that the "nickname" is given at birth by their mother. The whole week, wherever I went, I carried this thought with me. I couldn’t contact my mom at this moment, but I really wanted to ask her which nickname she would have given at this first moment when I was in her arms - how she felt me? I look at my colleague, whom her mother gave her the nickname “O- Ae” which means - slow as a snail. Why is that? Why this nickname? And the explanation was simple- because the date of birth was expected at the end of November, and she was born only in mid-December. Therefore, the mother's feelings about the girl were like that. The other guy’s mother called him “Tao” - a square. I am looking at my other colleague, an adult man, and yes, his body seems to be formed as a square. I can continue to describe everyone, every person I am meeting. Now I am thinking about my children. What would I call them the first time holding them in my arms? Which fateful nickname would I give them? Picturing them in my mind, and immediately the nicknames come for both of them. They are so different… For the third week, every morning after the flight, I have breakfast with a respectable gentleman who came here to work for a month. The owner of the hotel invited him to observe the work of the hotel. He agreed to a month, and then he will rest for 10 months. I already know this gentleman more than some of my good friends. He showed me pictures of all children, children of children, videos of their performances, told me about each child, about husbands, wives, cars and a looot of their personal details. He also said that he spends 2 million a year on travel, since this is the period of his life when it is time to spend. This year he may even spend more, because he is going together with the lady, with whom he has been married for 49 years. They are going to Scandinavia- Norway and Finland and the trip is already planned. And since the lady never agrees to stay in hotels with fewer than 5 stars, the trip this time will cost more. We talked about the cars as well, since he owns 5. One of them is old “Jaguar”. By the way, “Jaguar” is my favorite car brand. Then we discussed the film “Gran Torino” and Clint Eastwood's acting in it, and many, many more conversations over breakfast. His mother gave him the short name “Su”, which means “Cool” in the Thai language. His long name is Surapol. The most popular way of communicating here is with LINE messenger, where all my colleagues are visible under their nicknames. And I want mine too. I'll call my mother to find out what name she would give me, and then I will have one as well, just like my colleagues. Have a good weekend! I’m still here- ULEin :)
Autors Inga Ūle 2021. gada 3. decembris
Each of us has its own little "Comfort box" where we live and feel safe. At the level of the senses, we are looking for a similar energetic vibration. We are looking for our own. Like the pieces of a magnet, we pull closer to each other, tighten and form into one piece, larger or smaller. And it doesn't matter how big the pieces of magnets are in this formation. More important is the feeling that you have found your own, similar ones.
Autors Inga Ūle 2021. gada 24. maijs
First emotionally and then physically. Dizziness, hot weather and she could not walk anymore. Like not at all. We went to the ZOO and it was there, where our nanny took a few steps and could not go further. I understood that in the tropical heat above + 30 C it would be impossible to carry both of them. Moreover, it was clear to me too, that the main reason and the primary one is mental state, but the physical condition follows behind. At this time of the day, instead of usual nutrients we are having, we got a sudden iron drop in the body, and it can really make you feel dizzy and sick. It is clear that Lena could not stay here. Obviously. But what should I do? I urgently needed to find a kindergarten. Together with my colleague, she took care of our visas and followed closely so that I wouldn’t run away together with the nanny. She is not only a colleague, but my boss as well. She keeps her finger on the pulse and is understands space in a flash. Additionally, she is in charge of controlling the entire movement of passengers. She needs me, and that's why she's doing everything so I don't have to think, like a babysitter. In our office the two main topics in these days were “nanny”, and “where to find a child car seat for a reasonable price”? At that time, I did not have spare 400 euros for the car seat to spend, so the whole office began the search and soon we went to see with our own eyes the local kindergartens. After having visited several, I was very pleasantly surprised by many things-children in the kindergarten have beautiful uniforms and matching backpacks. All of them had spacious playgrounds in the premises with a slide and games. Spacious, about 60 sq m. Separate rooms for study, for games, a dining room, and the sleeping space located further away. In fact, I was overwhelmed by the feeling that in Europe we are looking a little bit down on others, but it turns out that here, with all its simplicity, they are much more ahead of us. By the way, I've been dealing already with three kindergartens back home. We have 90% of kindergartens from Soviet times, where nothing has changed, not a lot of renovation in the premises, but in general everything feels as it was back in those times. Additionally, in new private kindergartens, which are built either in the middle of the field, or in a private house, the kids are brought to play in the yards of multi-storey buildings, because there is no playground. As it was when I lived in an apartment building on the first floor, where all the neighbours were growling and frowning that the kids were using their playground. Or even worse in Old Riga, where kindergarten is located on some narrow street, where there isn’t direct sunlight, no playground, just a pretentious name and high price. And it seems to be glorified and expensive, but the premises are narrow, and illogical in every possible way. When you enter the door, the cold air blows directly on the children, it feels like I'm leaving the child at the train station, but for some unknown reason the kindergarten is trendy. Also worth of special attention is the attitude towards children of our educators and nannies, which very often makes you wish for better. In comparison the kids are really taught here. This is really a school. Teachers fold their palms together teaching them to greet, and say goodbye to the educators and other children. They are teaching them to do various daily activities independently. The parents come with the child to the kindergarten gate, teachers take over from there and do everything themselves, which is correct, as it seems to me. This prevents the “circus”, that I went through with Erlend and Gabriel in their kindergarten periods, from happening. Every morning in the wardrobe near the lockers there is a screaming and crying, prolonged goodbyes of parents, tears, snot, whims. Mom doesn't know what to do, and the teachers or nannies, by and large, don't bother with what happens in the locker room. Deal with everything yourself! After the hysterics of the kid, who has been going crazy for God knows how much time already, because he understands that his mother is not experienced enough and is gaining the upper hand over his parents, they are now trying to send him to a group with all the children. In contrast here, in my opinion, everything is really simple, clear and logical. There is also free time for kids from 16:00 - 17:00, when the big TV screen at the playground turns on, which is also a rather funny moment - a cinema for such babies. Whoever wants to can watch and whoever doesn't acn playing. Officially it's their "free time". In Thailand, kindergartens, schools, and the education system in general is very expensive. Their idea is based on natural selection. If you have money, you will have education, if you don't, you stay at home and the probability of “getting into people” is reduced to zero. Starting from kindergarten, parents pay a significant amount of money. If we convert the amount to our money, it is 100 euros a month. For the locals here it is a lot of money. Then in primary school, starting from first grade, the amount of payment increases many times. Thailand dos not have the concept of free education as we do. Education here is something special, something very, very expensive. The university is already a level when the “intelligentsia” is sifted out from the “middle class”. Mass entrance examinations are held, and if a young person studies at a university, then his status rises above the masses. Parents strictly check the child's grades and achievements, at least those parents who are in my circle of friends. Money doesn't grow on trees here, only bananas. 😊 We found our kindergarten in the second half of September, but we had to wait until 2 October. Formalities. And it doesn't matter whether they spent one week at the kindergarten or the whole month, everyone is obliged to pay for the complete month, this is the order. Okay, so far so good. But I have to be at work at 05:20 AM, and Teodor is still asleep at that time, how to deal with this? I am offered different options: One of them is that I take Teodor with me and while I am flying, the team is taking care of him. This option was dropped immediately. This is nonsense! How am I going to carry my little boy with me every morning? We are looking for another solution. Suddenly, a team member introduces his daughter, who is currently on vacation from school until October 15th. She can come to the rescue. My colleague noted in advance that her daughter speaks just a little English. Our meeting with a new potential nanny is scheduled 2 weeks from now on October 2nd in the office. Before that there are no options. Only the night of October 3rd to October 4th when Lena flies away. From the day when decision was made to go home, Lena's health suddenly improved. A smile appeared on her face, and I saw that in her thoughts she is long gone, waiting to finally be in the plane. Then in another and another, which would fly her to the homeland. A girl who looks like the one from the cartoon Lilo & Stitch finally is coming. She is smiling, and smiling very sweet. As soon as she entered the room, it was already clear to me – HER! She will be the one. I asked her to write her “nick name” on a piece of paper. She wrote GIFT in block letters. I was stunned at that moment. When I thought about my children, about what nickname I would give them, then Teodors would have this one. The meaning of “Teodors” from the Greek language is God's Gift. From the moment of conception, I feel him as my great gift of life, which I received from the Universe. With his coming into my life, I became more beautiful in different ways. I changed my whole life upside down and every turn was difficult to do, but pleasant in the result. What? Now, from October the 2nd I have 2 gifts at once? 😊I smile and understand that she knows English at a level in which she is just aware that such a language exists. But we have a mediator, a translator, my boss’s “godmother”. She is useful and she needs me, because the way I do my job suits all parties involved. They don't want to let me go, so they do everything they can. Agreement on paper. Opening hours, number of days and payment. Everything is simple. On the evening of 3rd of October, dad and also the team's driver, (by the way his nickname is Pi-pi. I don’t know how parents could feel that a new-born baby will be dealing with cars in the future), brought his Gift to another Gift. 😊 The girl does not need to be taught or told anything. She has a brother of the same or similar age at home. Using my hands and google translate, I try to explain that Lena and I will go to the supermarket. With cosmic speed, like two Cinderellas, we are putting on our shoes. This is the first time within a month, when we break out somewhere without a child. We have been taking care of the baby the whole month, and both of us were tied. Where can you run with a small baby at home? We jump into the car with the feeling of adolescence. Now what? Freedom? YEEE! My head is spinning! But we understand that we have only a couple of hours available. It is already an evening and soon we should be back, because our two “gifts” are still strangers to each other. So ... Both of us have a shopping list to buy some little Thai souvenirs. We agreed that in Lena's suitcase would be room for several of my envelopes. As a writer, I love paper. For as long as I can remember, postcards are my weakness. I probably over did it, by sending my mom about 12 different postcards, thus wishing to show my mother everything that I have here. 😊 Thanks to Lena's departure, I did the job that I had thought to do in Latvia for past 3-4 years. Dividing people into groups. It was work for many hours. I wrote starting with the most significant ones, which, of course, is my family. Strange, but I also included people who are not physically a family, but I feel them as such. I wrote down dates of birth and name days of everyone. Now I also want to order a calendar with each birthday with a photo, so that I know who has a celebration. So, after finishing the list, I realized that Lena’s departure is a great opportunity to send some cute little things that will remind about me and Thailand to my friends, and to please them. Souvenirs, coffee from Starbucks. What is so special about it? It’s the feeling that you can buy some kind of trinket, a cup of coffee and enjoy, like a delicious delicacy. For Lena and me this is our last evening. We ourselves know how those who stay and those who are already on the platform feel ... At night, until the last moment before taking Lena to the airport, I am still in a hurry to sort my envelopes, little souvenirs and things, in which I put the true feeling that I feel here towards each of them. The list was made not by the mind, but by the heart, where, of course first of all, is my family and not only on the physiological, but on the level of feelings. It is still night- time, when we drive to the airport. We are talking a little. We had no sleep, and didn’t have time for talking last evening. I drove as if I had lived in Chiang Mai for whole life. Everything is going like clockwork, despite the fact that the first and only time I was at the airport, was when we arrived. But I find the way without a hitch. Lena is no longer here, only the body is present. And only an agitated mind, like a monkey in a glass cage, lark around and asks what will happen if something happens in Bangkok? What if ... if ... if ...? I am looking at her and thinking, Dear Little Fool! Very soon, and without a sarcophagus you will be at the gate in the airport of Riga. We ourselves know how long the road THERE takes, and how quickly the road goes HOME when we return. At the airport entrance, Lena lifts the suitcase with great force and is ready to take off immediately. I hugged her and tears rolled down to my cheeks. I am the only one who is crying. Staying behind on the platform is always more painful ... After the airport I am going directly for a morning balloon flight. I can’t stop the tears. Everyone knows that I just said goodbye to the nanny. Here we have our own relationship, like in a family. For each next question – “how are you feeling”? I'm bursting in tears. Oh Lord, I'm not in shape to fly today. I didn’t sleep, I’m upset, I can’t hold the tears. A bright sun-drenched morning. Sunglasses are saving me again. My “godmother and boss” pats my elbow, and asks if the team can start turning on the fans? I swallow tears that are rolling down my cheeks. Big, big tears on my cheeks. I can't say anything. I nod my head. It really hurts this morning. Because sometimes you don't need anything else, just a person besides. And Lena, from the moment I saw her, felt as an equal partner in the situation. My student girl comes. She is not saying anything. She is looking at me and is standing nearby. Humanly and reliably. I cannot stop crying. The tears are falling like rain here in Thailand. Huge, giant drops. When I lift the balloon, I must see the opening into which to direct the fire. This was the first time in my life when raising the balloon, both hands was busy, and tears were falling down. It felt like five elements collided at the same time. Water flows down my cheeks and I don't see anything through my glasses. In front of me- the fire, which will lift us into the air. There is earth and metal as well. Once, in some ancient book of Indian wisdom, I read about five elements that are present in every person, whether in one proportion or another. At that time, I felt myself as a metal mixed with water. And here I am. I am holding the metal handles and I am getting wet in the water... The flight is wonderful! A group of smart, versatile people from Australia and Singapore are sharing their adventures in other parts of the world, and, as if knowing that the eyes under the glasses are swollen and my heart is bleeding, are telling me that there are still a lot of things ahead in my life. It sounded so embarrassing, I even asked - I am sorry? The answer was that I look like a person who has great events ahead. They definitely will be waiting for me in Singapore! After the flight, they are writing their home addresses, phone numbers and places I must visit in Singapore in my notebook. A girl from Australia wrote in capital letters- FIJI ISLANDS...
Autors Inga Ūle 2017. gada 21. oktobris
Well... I have already formed a small group of writers around me. Soon we will be able to create our own association! Each of us writes about ourselves, in our own unique voice. There is one couple - my friends Inese and Imants. He writes, and she forwards photographs of her husband's hand-written letters to me. The content of the letters reflects the feelings of the experience of everyday life. The story about Jackie was just like this. I read Imants' letters, which are rich with traditional Latvian values. Imants is no longer a rowdy boy, rather he can be called a Gray-haired old man who faithfully lives by the ancient Latvian beliefs and traditions. Church on Saturdays and all honors to the 7th Holy Day on Sunday. Potato pancakes while your beloved wife sleeps in the morning, reflections on life are transferred to paper together with many other ancient values. The last letter, which described in detail the life of their dog Jackie, was a story about family relationships, about the fact that an animal is a treasure, friend, kindred spirit and great love. Jackie now is in other hunting grounds... But why am I writing all this? Last week I experienced my own Jackie story. So, to begin at the beginning, on Inese's names day Imants gave her a puppy telling her that the owner had informed him that the puppy was a male. They didn't choose a name for a long time, but finally decided to call it Jack. So, little Jack grew up, gained weight and spent his carefree childhood enjoying happiness. One fine day a neighbor came for a visit and surprised them both with his remark that this puppy is not Jack at all, this puppy is a bitch. So, a short version of the story... the owners didn’t want a bitch, being worried about all the hassle with puppies ... But the dog had already grown up, accepted her owners as friends so what can you do? And this is how Jack became Jackie. That was the story of Imants and Inese. Now there is a smooth transition to my story. Our current nanny was a schoolgirl whose school would resume on October 16, so getting a new nanny was an important question, again, so soon! With this little Lilo & Stitch girl we quickly got along, actually we got used to her in a few hours. The three of us liked each other very much. It happened literally in an instant despite the fact that our only communication was with help of google translator. If I needed to tell her something, I wrote to the nanny, she translated the text in Google translator and sent the message back to me. In Asia, they use Line, it's similar to WhatsApp or any other messenger, but for some reason they prefer this one. So, we were communicating without talking, using gestures and body language, and with the help of the translator we found a way to live. Since Lena left, I had been in a kind of retreat of silence – my son Teodor was still at an age when he was not yet very talkative… With the help of Google translator, I asked the nanny to post an ad on her social networks that we were looking for a permanent long-term nanny. Thus, began the search for a young, kind person for me and Teodor. We all know, that after publishing an ad, people show interest, and you need to answer their calls and explain the situation. All of that was 100% managed by my little Gift. Meanwhile I had a free Thai lesson, sitting next to her and enjoying listening to her answering the calls. Not only do I like the food and people here ... I also like their language. It sounds so mysterious. There are many syllables TH, KX, in the language so deep, very deep ... they pronounce it as if the syllable comes from under the very cortex of the brain. I wonder what I wasn’t offered! The only barometer in this case, could only be my feelings, nothing else. I chose one of the proposed candidates, whom I invited to our home for a conversation. The girl was 19 years old; she arrived on her little scooter. Two-wheeled vehicles such as mopeds, motorcycles, scooters are very popular here. During the conversation, it became clear that Google translator would be our mediator in this case as well. The girl knew only a few words in English, and for her the context of our conversation was difficult to grasp. Simple solution - a sheet of paper on which the hours of work and payment is written. Actually, nothing else is needed. We agreed that on October 20th we will welcome her, our new nanny into our home. The nanny arrived on time, but she seemed kind of agitated, hands shaking, walking around me trying to say something very important. I look at her and tell her not to hurry and speak calmly. I listened to her and started to smile as I understood I was hearing the same story I had read a few days ago about the puppy of Imants and Inese – about Jack who turned out to be Jackie. Only in my case it was the opposite. I hired Jackie, and she turned out to be Jack, but in the form of Jackie. At that moment I realized, that her / his body transformation was truly not important to me. I am absolutely tolerant of this issue; I believe that each of us can do anything that comes to mind with our body and feelings in this world. When, with great difficulty, the girl said that she was a “lady boy”, her hands were still trembling and she, like a little puppy, looked into my eyes, in which a silent cry was heard - Well? Well??? What will you say, white woman? I smiled and told her that anyhow I'm looking for a nanny for Teodor and in any case, my goal is not to marry her. She was still looking into my eyes, trying to figure out what would happen next. I told her in the simplest words - “For me it's O.k. No problem! I like you and you can stay here”. I will never forget the smile that lit up this girl's face. And you know? All of us are awaiting acceptance in this world. All of us – the overly-correct and straight people, as well as the wild ones… We all want the same thing - acceptance of us as we are with love at the core. And which girl does not know the feeling: when her hair is curly, she needs to straighten it. When her breast size is A, she wants C. When she has C, she needs B. And then this eternal problem of body image: here is too thin, there is too fat. We are constantly trying to change something. By and large it is a question of self-acceptance. If you grew up in a family in which your mother gave unconditional love and you constantly heard the words - I love you, you are the most beautiful, beloved, my only daughter, then you have a foundation of happiness. Thank you to my mother a billion times, I often say this out loud because my mother gave me self-confidence. I grew up with the idea and feeling that I am loved and I have been always treated kindly, that I am a princess, a beauty and I am loved so very much – despite being the oldest child in the family. Until this day I go through life with this feeling. And this is not an arrogant feeling. It is a warm, sweet, accepted feeling understanding that I am accepted as I am. I love my body, my slightly crooked legs and wide hips, my disproportionately small torso in relation to my long legs, blue circles under the eyes, fluffy hair... I'm not blind, I see my appearance in the reflection in the mirror, but the base of each complex is a matter of acceptance, where on the other side of the coin is unconditional love.
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