There are only two seasons in Thailand. Winter and summer. Now is the summer, rainy season. Everything around is wet. Landing is difficult, there is rice and tea plantations in the water everywhere, and if there are no plantations, there is a city or canals. Therefore, the flying experience I have accumulated over the years is very useful, so far not a single landing field on which I have completed my flight has been more than 50x50 sq.m. Sometimes even less.
There was a funny incident this morning. The private flight has been booked, which means- attention! It’s someone's birthday or some other important event. Before takeoff, they give me an elegant bouquet of roses to hide. A beautiful Thai lady with red-brown dyed hair, within my height or slightly shorter arrives to the take- off area, together with her lively and cheerful man. He had beautiful sunglasses and, of course, like the rest of the 99%, had never heard of the country where I come from. I'm already used to saying that I'm from Russia or Scandinavia. Usually I choose the second option, probably because I look pale to compare with locals. But now about my passengers.
Judging by their behavior looks like there will be a marriage proposal. After taking off, they took pictures, filmed videos, changed their accessories, squatted down creating a picture as if one of them was flying, changed places. All that was done very actively and it was fun ... I have my fingers crossed that it doesn’t rain. Forecasts showed that rain clouds are getting closer and closer to the mountains. We have been in the air for 40 minutes, politely looking at the guy, I remind him about that. Both young people are happy with everything I am saying. He looks rather like he's not going to propose. Well… my the task is simple – I am looking for a place in the city where it would be safe to land the aircraft. This morning the currents has been ungrateful- they pulled me either to the direction of the mountains or turned to the city. Somewhere the site for landing looked too small, but somewhere there was a pasture with a lot of cattle. Smaller- bigger.
Oh, I look on the ground where a man and a woman are beating the grass with sickles and there are no cattle there. At that moment we were already in the air for 57 minutes. But still ,there is no proposal. The bouquet of roses stays untouched. Okay, I have to bring both cuties to the ground. I also hear the raindrops that are starting to hit the balloon. Obviously I am not looking for adventures, and I am starting to land towards the senior couple who are beating the grass. From the emotions and body language of the woman, I can see that her bison is somewhere in the vicinity, she waves so that we fly further. An unwritten law of many years - "always choose the least of two troubles." I do not see her buffalo anywhere close, the area is dry and wide enough, there is no need to worry about the safety of the balloon and people, and the road is right beside. Smoothly, centimeter by centimeter I am approaching the ground. The lady continues to express her dissatisfaction, and my passengers, the couple from Bangkok, are translating what she is saying to me. The basket touches the ground, and I am starting a conversation with the help of translators. A little explanation of the specifics of balloons: it starts raining and that it's not safe to fly in the rain. That I have no steering wheel to turn for the better place, that I will immediately turn off the burner and the buffalo will not hear me at all, and that the team will fold everything up in three minutes, and that we really, really didn't want to bother her, but please let us stay and pack everything up. Well, the lady is already smiling and replies that the main thing in Thailand is kindness and a smile. She smiles with wide, white teeth and her lips are plump. Everybody has same smile here. I love their smiles, strong teeth and plump lips. I am smiling as well and asking the couple to translate to her that in my country we have buffalos too, and that they are afraid, but only at the beginning, later they come closer to be friends.
But hey! What should I do with these roses? They have to be given to the beauty from Bangkok! But it's not up to me to do this, I have to give a sign to the guy with cool glasses and nickname Ed, so that he does something with a bouquet of flowers and I am giving bouquet to him. Now the funniest part of the flight began. He looks at me, then at the roses and asks if I want to give him flowers? I laugh out loud saying that maybe there is a place in the whole world, where the pilot gives a beautiful bouquet of roses after the flight to the guy instead of female- passenger, but certainly not here, and in my country, they don’t do that either. He laughed very loudly. Then he asks me, “What should I do with these flowers?” My answer is that he could give them to his beauty. Then he laughed even louder, very loud, but I couldn't understand why. Maybe because he was embarrassed, or because he himself did not buy these flowers, or didn’t order them, or because it was an ordinary flight, without much intention. It is unclear who putted these flowers in the basket.
Then he takes the flowers with both hands and gives them to his beloved one, as in a fairy tale, and she bursts into laughter together with him. We all laugh at our funny misunderstanding about that he thought that I wanted to give him flowers. An incredibly cool and energetic couple. In general, the coolest people in the world fly balloons and nationality does not matter.
The order here is that arriving at the start, I am going straight to the basket, I am flying, and after I am going to another vehicle that picks up passengers and the pilot and drives them from the field to the celebration place. Diploma of first flight and morning champagne. Apart from a good sparkling BRUT, I have not seen anything else here. Everything is the same every morning. From 08:00 to 08:30 you have to drink champagne :) After the ritual, we hug like old friends (not with all passengers, though), these guys had the vibrations that I am very familiar with - take life as a joy and crunchy pumpkin chips, crunch deliciously and sweetly!
About Thai people.
They are the same as all people, but there is a difference. They are active. Speaking of work, they don't put it off not even for a minute. They said and they did it right away. It is very hot and humid here, but people are surprisingly mobile and hardworking. They work like little ants. We fit together and I have a feeling that I belong here. They adore children. Teodore swims in love every day. When entering the store, you get something like a small gift just like that. Soda, water, fruit, cucumber or tomato, but they will give you at least something. They are not intrusive, rather very warm and sincere. It does not matter where we are from, the main thing is a child, he is a blessing, joy and love for them. I agree with them in this matter. What are their views on where is safer for the child? Of course, in the arms of the mother. Everywhere. In a car, on a scooter ... As locals say, maybe 10% are using a car seat because only rich people from Bangkok can afford it, but here the locals don't know what it is. Within a month I found only one place where I could buy a car seat. An example for comparison- a decent car can be bought for 60,000 baht (1,500 euros) here. A standard car seat costs 15,000 baht (400 euros). To the locals the price is completely incomprehensible, because a good scooter is even cheaper than a car seat. It was a legend of the first month being here, but through this situation I got to know better a part of their culture and perception.
Since the country is full of warm-hearted people, the balance is maintained by dogs- they are shameless, they are impudent, they roam in packs, it seems to me that the kindness of these people is as big, that even a shameless dog will not be hit.
These dogs are really annoying me. When I drive on the streets in our area, they already recognize my car and no longer lazily move their paws along the road, they must know who is the boss of the area. Local cars are driving even 5 km / h, if they see that there are dogs lying on the road. They have already realized that if my car is driving, there will be no Thai slowness and they are jumping off the road just in time. Their snouts and temperaments are such that they are considering people too weak, so they took over human authority. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe only in Chiang Mai and area of many kilometers around it is so, but it feels like that, and I really don’t like them.
Street food allows you to live with 1-2 euros per day. In case you are on tight budget, or if you want to travel, instead of spending money on food for higher class, you can eat the food for lover class or ordinary people. I am eating everything here, and especially a lot of street food. Here, on the streets, there are a lot of spices, smells, aromas and different tastes, the head is dizzy from the variety of tastes and pungency. Sometimes I come across something so spicy that I start to feel like a local, because I am dealing with spicy food very well. Spicy but good.
Today I feel as a "bourgeois" ... pizza (for the first time since we are here), ice cream and coffee from McDonald's. Coffee cup is 2 times larger; the culture of drinking coffee is different here. The most popular coffee is soluble instant coffee and in granules. However, the taste is different from what we are used to. A few granules are equal in strength to our 2-3 teaspoons. I really don't want to talk about food, but this is the first thing that comes to my mind. Yesterday on the street I bought something similar to a main course, of which 90% I did not recognise what it was at all. Distinct twigs, small berries and bushes, a bouquet of spices ... it was such a joy and a feeling - well, HOW can you come up with something like that? Sometimes it seems to me that they are putting everything, everything, everything that comes to mind in the food. Worms, cockroaches and giant flies are roasted like seeds. But I'm not that brave yet. I just watch them being fried, I smile, but for now I am just observing.
What I like most here is their unobtrusiveness. No one calls you anywhere, no one tries to convince you to buy their goods. Of course, with my white fluffy head and pale skin, I am falling out of context here, but I don't feel like someone is staring at me.
Pharmacy. You can weigh yourself for free. Which is what we did at the evening. So far so good :) Here you can get EVERY possible medication, there is no prescription system here. Teodore had a dry cough at night, and I am looking for a solution.
I am not sure why I wrote about these three things today; I really don't know.
P.S. In a month, there was only one brave man who tried flirting with me. I do not distinguish between the age of women and men here. I have two categories, the young seem to me being 25-28 y. o., even those who are 40 and 50 seem young to me. I can’t even distinguish between mother and daughter, for me they look the same. The second class, which is clearly after 60, but it may well be already 85. Of course, I don’t know how old that brave man was, but in my opinion, he was right into the first category. The guy was working in the balloon crew. Every morning I have 7-9 of them. My task is simple- to come, light the burner, climb into the basket, fly and land so that the crew can assemble the equipment. That morning I landed in the smallest square I have ever landed on. It was a road, a ditch, a wet rice plantation, and a ball of electrical wires that are tangled in such a way that I'm sure an electrician definitely has a Ph.D.
This morning I wanted to stay a little longer with the balloon, so I sent the passengers to the bus and said that I will be joining in 5 minutes. While I was there, with a balloon, the bus left for the hotel with passengers. Then the brave guy said that I would have to go with him. What was the meaning behinds his words, I did not quite understand. I do everything that they tell me to do, and very rarely I am asking questions. Questioning I gave up while being here. They do not understand English, and my knowledge of English language is not at the level of Oxford. I am a self-taught person who is trying to learn more. Then the guy leaves and shows me with his hand to take my pilot's briefcase. Let's go! Oh, let's ride a scooter. I cannot describe the feeling. We wander 10-12 km through the winding suburban streets of Chiang Mai. His smells, aromas. Warm and cool air waves. Everything I see is so alive! Well, don't even ask if they have helmets here. :)) I saw someone wearing a helmet, but in general, just like with a car seat - no stress, these are small, unimportant things in life :) After a 4 km ride the guy asks me if I ride a motorcycle. I nod my head. He also nods and says that he feels it, and points his fist at his heart.
There are not many questions and answers here, everything is better with feelings.
This is it for today.
Happiness doesn't come.
Comes the ability to see it.
/ E. Safarli /